By Kathaarsis on Monday, December 10 2018
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• Who is Ron Baldwin? Baldwin was present at the party initially, but left before YCPD arrived. Gary Wilson implicated him with tampering with evidence. Baldwin moved the GH guitar away from the victim.
• The only apparent trauma to the victim was a burn on his left palm (apparent electrocution).
• Gary Wilson's YCPD interview indicates that it was not a power outage. The rest of the neighborhood still had power. Only the victim's house was affected.
• Madison Spires (victim's girlfriend) tells YCPD that Kent Erdell (vic's best friend) would flirt with her and she was uncomfortable around him alone.
• Victim was aware of this and laughed it off.
• Who is Jennifer Adams? No information about her yet.
• Virginia Carr - Despite being an old and mutual romantic interest between the Victim and Kent Erdell, who is Ginny Carr?
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