By Michael Langebner on Tuesday, December 27 2022
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Hi, this is my first case and my first post.
Since we don't know yet if this is a criminal case at all, we can only speculate about motives, opportunities etc until we have a coroner report.

What we know is, that Jackson never gets sick and the first time he actually gets, he suddenly dies.
We have Silvia, who "gets around a little", so everyone who wants more from Sylvia has a motive to kill Jackson, even herself could have a motive to kill him.
We have Adam Cooper, obviously lying about watching a football game that never took place and he forgot to mention a 16 minutes phone call on 12/11/2022 14:29. He is full of motives and opportunities. Too obvious for me.
Savanna Hollis is a manipulative kind of a person and her noble "social engineering" could have an ignoble motive.
What about his brother Jeffrey? Calls Jackson on 12/11/2022 19:46 for 8 minutes and forgets to mention it? By now he was the last person to talk to Jackson alive.
There also is Ms. Robbins and the other neighbors and Jacksons brother Josh, who had plenty of motives and opportunities, so we kinda have a classical Mrs Marple "everyone could´ve done it" case.

And now Mr. Manish Agarwal, please take over.
Looks bad for Sylvia and Josh. Jackson died of a ethylene glycol poisoning and a receipe in Josh´s car indicates he bought antifreeze. Used bottle of antifreeze and a funnel was found in Sylvias garage and she seems to have a deeper relationship to Josh, than what she already admitted.
Now, if you want kill somebody with antifreeze, you probably wouldn´t let the "murder weapon" lay around in your garage, esp. if you have been interviewed twice and had enough time to get rid of this evidence.
Also in December many people buy antifreeze, so that alone doesn´t make a murder.

Now that both, Sylvia and Josh were interviewed again, this time as suspects and searches have found loads of evidence, there are more questions than answers.

In my opinion Josh had no reason to kill Jackson. He knew that Jackson didn´t want more than a friendship with Sylvia, so where is the motive? Also I wouldn´t expect a guy like Josh to poison his brother. Looks more like a female job.

Now Sylvia could have a motive, if she was obsessed with the idea to have a love relationship and Jackson was rejecting her, but would she really have other affairs then? Maybe to hurt Jackson´s feelings, ok, but then she would need to make Jackson notice that she sleeps with Josh. Also they seemed to have a good relationship as being friends, why killing him than?

What about Ms. Robbins or Jackson´s boss Savanna Hollis? Is there something we don´t know yet?
Why Jackson got sick on thursday? Coincidence or was it the first attempt to kill him on the party? This would point to Ms Hollis as a suspect.

I guess we´ll see a plot twist soon.
2 years ago
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