Sunday, October 27, 2024
Severed head found in Taylor
Evidence at the scene points to occult influences?
When local farmer Tucker Allison contacted the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department to report vandalism on his Taylor property, he never imagined what it might lead to.
According to Allison, his 11-year-old son and a friend were playing Saturday morning when they stumbled upon what Allison described as a strange ritual site in a clearing beside a creek.
"There's kids that come out here cow-tipping from time to time. Sometimes they spray-paint something, but I've never seen anything like this around here," Allison told Crime Beat. "I knew as soon as I seen it something wasn't right about it, and I called 911 right off."
Responding to the father's 911 call, sheriff's officers investigated the vandalism and discovered a secondary scene where they reportedly found a bucket containing a human head.
The vandalism scene, which was the subject of the initial 911 call, reportedly offered its own unusual evidence, including the remains of a campfire, empty liquor bottles, and a dead chicken, among other evidence.
Allison said he told police that the chicken most likely came from his coop.
"I recall missing a chicken several weeks back, but I thought it was coyotes," the Taylor farmer said. "In a situation like that, you never consider that a crime could be involved."
Similar incidents nearby?
The finding of the head comes amid burgeoning rumors that other body parts have been found in recent weeks in the neighboring counties of Calhoun and Panola.
"I think the cops just don't want everybody to get all worked up over this, so they're not talking," said Tim Hillman, a Batesville resident. "But there comes a time when we need to know whether or not we should keep our kids locked up in the house."
PIO Jones would not comment on the alleged discoveries of other body parts, saying only, "The department has mounted an intense investigation into this matter and will release more information as it becomes available. We must balance the public's need to know with the department's need to solve this case."