New Orleans PI report


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 005533-26J-2024
Case Description: Laurie Daniels homicide investigation

On December 11, 2023, Callie Shivers hired Oxford private investigator David Anderson to learn more about "Dr. Yah Yah" of New Orleans, Louisiana, including his background, his involvement in voodoo, and his relationship with Laurie Daniels.

David Anderson contacted New Orleans private investigator and former New Orleans police detective Desmond Locke, who collected information on the reputed voodoo witch doctor, Dr. Yah Yah.

His investigation dossier contains all the information Locke collected in New Orleans regarding Laurie Daniels, Dr. Yah Yah, and the voodoo community in New Orleans.

These documents were provided voluntarily to the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department by Callie Shivers.

PI's note


Here's the voodoo file. It took a lot of guts, asking me to go back into that mess. This voodoo's no joke and shouldn't be taken lightly. In the package, you'll see what I found out about your case.

This Dr. Yah Yah is a famous spook down here. Problem is, nobody can put a hand on him. I looked for days and couldn't find hide nor hair of him.

The street folk swear up and down he's a spirit, that he doesn't exist at all except as a great and feared spook who kills and screws. I don't believe it, though.

I found his apartment and looked around, documented all I saw. You'll find that interesting. Also visited a witch doctor friend of mine in Algiers. He's helped me out a time or two in the past, and I tell you, Dave, that old man was scared when I told him about the stuff I found in Yah Yah's apartment. I went home and washed my hands just like he said.

This Yah Yah guy sounds like the devil himself. You better hope he doesn't come spreading that hoodoo up your way.

As for your girl Daniels, no one was talking except the fruity fortune teller. It's all in the file.

Try not to come asking me for help on another case like this. I know we go way back and I know you have a paying client who wants this information, but I'd rather be dead in hell than a zombie in New Orleans.



Article from the defunct occult magazine, Derange.
Click to enlarge

Name: Montell LaBeau
Alias: Dr. Yah Yah
H: 5' 10"
W: 225 lbs.
Race: Black
DOB: Unknown
Address: 1668 St. Louis Street, Apt. 3A, New Orleans, LA
Phone: 504-525-XXXX

April 9, 2018 — Fined in New Orleans municipal court for putting a hex on Audrey Duveau, who died of asphyxia two weeks following court date. No evidence of foul play in Duveau's death. LaBeau was sought but never turned up. Neighbors said he arrived from the Congo in June 2017 and described him as a local witch doctor with quiet, imposing demeanor.

LaBeau's address as of this date: 311 St. Ann, New Orleans.

December 3, 2019 — LaBeau was found not guilty on rape charges put forth by Maria Turnage of New Orleans.

LaBeau's address as of this date: 1440 Royal, New Orleans.

April 5, 2022 — Confidential informant reported LaBeau was leading ceremonies outside of town that included sacrifices of dogs, goats and roosters. Sierra Vego, who was reported missing February 1, 2022, was identified as being with LaBeau at these ceremonies. No direct or testimonial evidence was found to substantiate the claim. No charges filed.

LaBeau's address as of this date: unknown.

Jannuary 31, 2023 — Pictured in an article in Derange magazine as Dr. Yah Yah.

LaBeau's address as of this date: unknown.

May 28, 2023 — Confidential informant implicated LaBeau in ritualistic murder of Jack Bivney, reported missing March 14, 2023, in which victim was consumed in cannibalistic celebration. Informant appeared to be mentally unstable, and no direct or testimonial evidence was found to substantiate the claim. No charges filed.

LaBeau's address as of this date: unknown.

December 6, 2023 — Undercover law enforcement officers spotted LaBeau near Haitian Consulate on Common Street. An officer from New Orleans recognized LaBeau from file and tailed him, but LaBeau disappeared in the city.

LaBeau's address as of this date: 1658 St. Louis, #442, New Orleans.




I had the opportunity to look around Dr. Yah Yah's apartment while he was away. Here is a list of some things I saw that may be of interest to you. I didn't stay too long because a neighbor was pacing around and crying out loudly, and I didn't want to risk an encounter with her.


  • A wire cage with newspaper and corn in the bottom. Chicken feathers all around.
  • Four large clay pots, three containing water, one smelling of urine.
  • Various gris-gris. Obviously a lot of charms here, too many to inventory.
  • Black and white photos, some pornographic. Several shots appeared to be of Daniels.
  • Dried rattlesnake hanging upside down in bathroom. Inside the mouth was a wadded-up piece of paper with the name "Bart Daniels" printed in black ink.
  • Ball of black wax in bathroom sink. Inside the wax was a plug of human hair and a scrap of paper with the name "Forrest Burgess" printed five times in black ink.
  • Large zip-seal bag of reddish leafy substance in the freezer, may have been marijuana.
  • Shrunken head collection, appeared to be authentic.
  • Skull on top shelf in bedroom, also appeared authentic, weathered.
  • Various robes, costumes and headdresses.
  • Well-stocked liquor cabinet, many varieties of rum.
  • Telephone numbers and addresses in a drawer, included is north Mississippi number, 662-236-XXXX.

Bugga Interview

silhouette of an anonymous male figureThis interview took place on December 13, 2023. It was recorded discretely because Satch wouldn't have allowed it.

  • Desmond Locke, P. I.
  • Satch Bugga, witch doctor

Locke: Satch, I've got some friends who might've been hexed by a mutual friend of ours. Maybe you can help me.

Bugga: Maybe I help my friend, Locke. You still coppin'?

Locke: No. I'm only here 'cause I'm helping someone find out what kind of hoodoo they've gotten themselves into.

Bugga: I tell you because you respect. Now, who is this mutual friend?

Locke: Before I tell you that, let me tell you what I found. A dried rattlesnake, hanging upside down, with a piece of paper in his mouth with a man's name on it.

Bugga: Aha. Serious hex business. You be careful. This means that just like that ole rattlesnake dry up, that man will dry up, too.

Locke: I see. Well, tell me this. I also found a ball of black wax containing hair I'm pretty sure was human, and another guy's name is written on a piece of paper. Only this time, it's five times instead of one.

Bugga: That's badness! The worst sort of gris-gris, I tell you! If you touched this conjure ball, you must go home immediately and wash your hands in a mixture of kerosene, whiskey, and black pepper. That's an old and powerful mischief. Bad, bad. I'll give you some gris-gris to go against it. You don't want to be nowhere around this fella.

Locke: You know who did this?

Bugga: Have some idea. Always an idea. But the one I know, he's no friend of you, Locke.

Locke: Whose friend is he?

Bugga: Dr. Yah Yah is friend to no one.

Locke: Dr. Yah Yah? What do you know?

Bugga: I say nothing. I don't know and don't want to know any more.

Locke: Have you seen him? Walking down the streets out here with his snake cane? Legba himself?

Bugga: No, no. All wrong. I won't say. He's a powerful man. A wise spirit.

Locke: Can you point me toward somebody who will say something?

Bugga: I can only send you along with a good gris and hope you find what you're looking for. But watch yourself, Locke. For you to do this, it must be a good friend. Is it really worth it?

Gauthier Interview

silhouette of a female figureThe following interview took place at Madame Therese's Voudou Bazaar at 713-½ Bourbon Street in New Orleans on December 16, 2023.

  • Desmond Locke, P. I.
  • Therese Gauthier

Locke: Do you know or have you seen the girl in this photograph?

Gauthier: I know her well. Dead, isn't she?

Locke: No, not that I know of. What makes you think she is?

Gauthier: It is just a matter of time. I told it. Before she left the city.

Locke: When did she leave?

Gauthier: Oh, about two, three weeks ago, maybe more, maybe less. I haven't seen her in one or two months. She'd been handling the gris-gris too long without respect, and this is what comes. I foreseen it.

Locke: Who was she?

Gauthier: Just a wayward girl, like so many I seen down here in the Quarter. Trying to find answers in religion and superstition. But like so many in religion, she had a counterfeit heart, you know? Voodoo is no hocus pocus, empty magic. Not some stylish life, you know. She was sweet but thoughtless. She stayed with me and helped me around the store. Sweet girl, but a curse. She was set on finding her sister, though I warned her that evil would find her if she did.

Locke: Where did she go looking?

Gauthier: She asked me to read her fortune, so I did. She didn't like her fortune, though. She left anyway. I told her that sister of hers was dead, killed by someone close to her. And that her spirit was restless because she had been taken by Ba Moun, the "give man." You know it?

Locke: Yeah, that's like the devil. You sell your soul and pay the price in other people's lives. Right?

Gauthier: Someone close to these girls sold their soul, and now the give man, he take. He take his pay in souls. Maybe he suck the life out of them girls himself. Maybe he raise them, and they walk again.

Locke: If she's dead like you said, how could he raise her?

Gauthier: She don't need the body to walk. She don't need the body. But her soul is depressed and sad. It was just the same when she left here. She was sleeping on my couch for the long time, and she was abusing the body. No good anyway. No good. I tell her, no good. She laugh. She cry. Voodoo no help. No help. Can't use voodoo to escape your past, eh?

Locke: What do you know about this guy Dr. Yah Yah? Did you see them together?

Gauthier: I seen them. Everyone seen them, but they won't say?

Locke: No, they won't.

Gauthier: Dr. Yah Yah is very strong. He floats through the city like the spirits. He flew through he,r too. Had her chained to his side. Maybe he the give man.

Locke: Where does Dr. Yah Yah stay?

Gauthier: Don't know.

Locke: Come on. You must know where to find him. Have you seen him lately?

Gauthier: Maybe you like your fortune read?

Locke: No, thanks. Who will tell me?

Gauthier: I'll whisper secrets to you. Ma connais ça on besoin. Mais, on dispose pour servir moi aussi?

Locke: No, thanks. Good day.