Young woman with dark hair and bangs

Jessi Lee interview

Wednesday, October 18, 2023 – 9:50 p.m.

Jessi Lee is a student at Ole Miss and a resident of the 24/7 livestream show "Under Glass: The Study of Generation Z in the Real."

Detectives Beckwith and Magee spoke with her at the Under Glass house.


Detective Magee: Would you please state your name and address for the record?

Jessi Lee: Yes. Jessi Lee. I live here—the Under Glass house at 903 Muirfield Drive. I'm a student at Ole Miss.

Detective Magee: Thank you. How long have you lived in this house?

Jessi Lee: Just a couple of weeks. I moved in on the 6th.

Detective Beckwith: Where were you today between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.?

Jessi Lee: I was in class from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., and then I went to study.

Detective Beckwith: Where?

Jessi Lee: Sorry. With my group. I have a study group. We met.

Detective Magee: Where did you meet?

Jessi Lee: Sorry. Uh, there's a room we schedule in the library.

Detective Magee: Which room?

Jessi Lee: Sorry. Uh, that room wasn't available, so we found a spot at a table. In the library.

Detective Beckwith: Who's in this group?

Jessi Lee: Okay, so I don't have last names, but I have a Snapchat group. So I can ask. I mean, if you need last names. Or a way to contact them.

Detective Magee: Are you nervous, Jessi?

Jessi Lee: I am. I am nervous. I'm… not accustomed to this.

Detective Beckwith: Most people aren't.

Jessi Lee: Right. I'm sure that's true. So, can I message my group then? To ask for an alibi or whatever?

Detective Magee: Are you asking for an alibi? Or are you asking for them to confirm where you were?

Jessi Lee: Oh, no… I mean, just confirm. I was there, in the library. We weren't there very long because we didn't have the study room, so we couldn't really talk too much.

Detective Beckwith: So you went to the library around 4:00 p.m. after class and then left around what time?

Jessi Lee: I guess 4:30 p.m.? Maybe a little before?

Detective Magee: And then?

Jessi Lee: Then I sat in the library and tried to study.

Detective Magee: You just said you left at 4:30 p.m. or maybe a little before.

Jessi Lee: No, sorry. They left. From the study group. I stayed.

Detective Beckwith: When did you leave the library?

Jessi Lee: I stayed maybe another fifteen minutes. I couldn't focus.

Detective Beckwith: Any reason?

Jessi Lee: Just school in general, I guess.

Detective Magee: Did you go anywhere after the library?

Jessi Lee: No, just came back here.

Detective Magee: What time was that?

Jessi Lee: Around 5:00 p.m.?

Detective Beckwith: Who else was home?

Jessi Lee: Lacey, I think, was here already. Tanya came home later.

Detective Magee: What time?

Jessi Lee: Maybe 5:30 p.m.? Right around then. Can I ask if everything is okay? Is everyone… okay?

Detective Magee: Well, no, not everyone is okay, obviously.

Jessi Lee: Is it Hoyt? I heard something about Hoyt.

Detective Beckwith: What did you hear?

Jessi Lee: I heard someone say he was dead. Is that true?

Detective Magee: When was that?

Jessi Lee: Just before you came into my room. He is, isn't he? Dead?

Detective Beckwith: Yes, sorry, I'm afraid so. What was your relationship with him?

Jessi Lee: He was okay, I guess. I mean, he supported me and all, and we got along.

Detective Magee: Thank you, but Detective Beckwith asked what your relationship was with him.

Jessi Lee: Oh, sorry. He was my landlord and my boss. I mean, I just barely moved in, so I didn't know him that well, but we got along, he and I.

Detective Beckwith: When was the last time you saw him?

Jessi Lee: Yesterday morning. We didn't talk. We just waved in passing. He pulled in the driveway as I was leaving the house early for my study group.

Detective Magee: Same study group?

Jessi Lee: No, different study group.

Detective Magee: Who was in the house when you left today?

Jessi Lee: Everyone, I think. I had another early study group. Same morning study group.

Detective Magee: When you got home this afternoon, did you see anyone leaving the property? Anything out of the ordinary?

Jessi Lee: No, I didn't notice anything. I just wanted to get to my room and study. I can't fall behind.

Detective Beckwith: Have you ever gone into the control shed in the back?

Jessi Lee: No, never.

Detective Beckwith: Any tension in the house?

Jessi Lee: There's always tension in the house, but that's between the residents. Tanya and Lacey bicker a lot. I think they think it makes good content for the subscribers.

Detective Magee: Any of this bickering escalate?

Jessi Lee: Sometimes, but I just leave.

Detective Beckwith: Does it ever involve Mr. Biffle?

Jessi Lee: No, he's not part of it.

Detective Magee: Is it ever about him?

Jessi Lee: Sometimes, but not really.

Detective Beckwith: What does that mean?

Jessi Lee: Like sometimes they bicker over who got a bigger bonus, or who's the fan favorite or who should be… but not like fighting over him. Not like anyone wanted him or anything.

Detective Magee: Given what you know about Mr. Biffle, who do you think we should talk to?

Jessi Lee: I… I couldn't say. I'm so new here. Look, I have a huge project I need to work on. Can I go now?

Detective Magee: Where? The library?

Jessi Lee: Well, no. I'm working on the project here. May I go to the ladies' room? Please?

Detective Beckwith: Sure. Just one more question. Do you know if Mr. Biffle had any enemies, or did you overhear the other residents talking about his enemies?

Jessi Lee: No… no, I never heard anything. Really. I don't think I can help you.

Detective Beckwith: Thank you. We'll be in touch if we need anything further.

Interview ended – 10:11 p.m.