Smiling woman with short dark hair

June Puckett interview

Thursday, October 19, 2023 – 4:00 p.m.

June Puckett is married to Alden Puckett.

Detectives Beckwith and Magee went to the Puckett residence to speak to Alden Puckett. He wasn't home, so they talked to his wife instead.


Detective Beckwith: Would you please state your name and address for the record?

June Puckett: Yes, of course, I'm Mrs. Alden Puckett, maiden name June Starkweather, of the Texas Starkweathers. I live here at 240 Colonial Road. And you are?

Detective Beckwith: Detective Beckwith, and my partner, Detective Magee.

Detective Magee: Thank you, Mrs. Puckett. We were hoping to speak with your husband, but we appreciate your taking the time to talk with us.

June Puckett: Happy to oblige, Detective Magee. Do you have any news about my husband? I'm worried sick. It's not like Alden.

Detective Magee: What's not like Alden?

June Puckett: To just disappear like this. I've not heard a word from him since yesterday morning when he left. He's very devoted to me. And I to him. My family has money. I'm terrified that Alden's been abducted, and I'll be receiving a ransom demand.

Detective Beckwith: Has anything like that ever happened before?

June Puckett: No. We don't flaunt the money, but it is significant enough to be a consideration.

Detective Magee: Thank you for that information. Please stay in close contact with us, and let us know immediately about anything suspicious. Anything.

June Puckett: Thank you so much. I must admit, I'm a bit of a wreck.

Detective Magee: Understandable. Mrs. Puckett, where was your husband going when he left yesterday morning?

June Puckett: To work. Alden is a professor of Computer Science at Ole Miss.

Detective Beckwith: Did he seem unusually stressed or upset?

June Puckett: No, not at all. Alden loves teaching. He's always happy to go off to work.

Detective Beckwith: What time did he leave?

June Puckett: 7:30 a.m. Promptly at 7:30 every morning. He's very reliable. Usually.

Detective Magee: Has he been in contact with you at all since then?

June Puckett: No, nothing from him. No calls, no texts, nothing.

Detective Magee: And have you reached out to anyone who may know where he is?

June Puckett: No. The Chair of Alden's department, Professor White, called me, and I stopped by Alden's office to see if he left a note or anything. Otherwise, I can't think of anyone else who may know where he is.

Detective Beckwith: Thank you. How well are you acquainted with Hoyt Biffle?

June Puckett: I know Mr. Biffle through Alden. Hoyt was one of Alden's students when he taught at the University of Texas at Tyler. Why do you ask? It's very unlikely that Mr. Biffle knows the whereabouts of my husband.

Detective Magee: Are you still in contact with him?

June Puckett: I was more acquainted with Mr. Biffle back then. Here in Oxford, he and I don't have much contact.

Detective Magee: When was the last time you saw him?

June Puckett: I couldn't say specifically, but it's been at least eight months—maybe more.

Detective Beckwith: What about your husband? Do you know when he saw Mr. Biffle last?

June Puckett: I'm not entirely sure, no. Alden and Mr. Biffle were friends in Texas, but I don't think they're as close now.

Detective Beckwith: Why is that?

June Puckett: We're not unfriendly, detective. We did introduce Mr. Biffle to my good friend Birdie Tarver, with whom he had a happy, committed relationship that produced a beautiful child. The relationship didn't last, but they're on friendly terms, and both are devoted to that child.

Detective Magee: So, are there ill feelings between Mr. Biffle and your husband or Mr. Biffle and yourself?

June Puckett: Heavens no. Neither. Once Alden and I married, naturally, he gave up his carefree, bachelor ways. Here in Oxford, Mr. Biffle is busy running a business, and Alden is busy with students. And with me, of course. Alden is a treasure, Detective Magee. His disappearance is unnerving.

Detective Beckwith: You have no idea where your husband might be?

June Puckett: None at all. It's completely out of character.

Detective Magee: Did you and your husband argue recently?

June Puckett: Alden and I spend all our free time together. We're one of those couples who remain annoyingly in love. He is missing, and I need to file a report as soon as possible. Why all this wasted time asking questions about Mr. Biffle?

Detective Magee: We're investigating Mr. Biffle's death.

June Puckett: Oh, yes— of course, yes, Hoyt's— God, how awful. I'm not thinking straight. I'm absolutely consumed with finding Alden. My apologies.

Detective Magee: Is there any—

June Puckett: Wait! Do you think Alden is in danger as well? From …from before?

Detective Magee: What happened before?

June Puckett: No. Alden promised me all of that was behind him.

Detective Beckwith: All of what?

June Puckett: Those embarrassing criminal charges. But it was just a misunderstanding, and the charges were dropped.

Detective Beckwith: What charges, Mrs. Puckett?

June Puckett: Identity theft and computer fraud. It ruined Alden's career at the University of Texas. He had nothing to do with it, but still, he was collateral damage. Please tell me you'll do everything you can to find him.

Detective Magee: Absolutely everything will be done to find your husband, Mrs. Puckett.

June Puckett: Thank you.

Detective Beckwith: Mrs. Puckett, where were you yesterday between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.?

June Puckett: I was at home until 3:30 p.m., then met friends for afternoon tea and stayed until around 5:00 p.m. Then I returned home.

Detective Beckwith: Where did you go for tea?

June Puckett: Chancellor's House. It closes at 4:00 p.m., but we stayed until 5:00 p.m. I'm a regular customer there. How will this help find Alden, detective?

Detective Beckwith: Mrs. Puckett, we appreciate you taking the time to speak with us today. Please let us know immediately if you hear from your husband or think of any information that may help us find him—or if you get a ransom demand.

June Puckett: Of course.

Detective Beckwith: Thank you.

Interview ended – 4:21 p.m.