Sunday, October 22, 2023 – 9:55 a.m.
Wyatt Yancey is a student at Northwest Mississippi Community College and a former resident of the 24/7 live stream show, Under Glass: The Study of Generation Z in the Real.
Detectives Beckwith and Magee re-interviewed him at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective P. Beckwith
- Detective J. Magee
- Wyatt Yancey
Detective Beckwith: Please state your name and address for the record.
Wyatt Yancey: Wyatt Yancey, and I live at 1021 Molly Barr Road.
Detective Beckwith: Mr. Yancey, can you identify this article of clothing?
Wyatt Yancey: Happy to educate, detective. I'm sure, as an old dude, you haven't seen many of these.
Detective Magee: Mr. Yancey, Detective Beckwith is asking if you know who this piece of evidence belongs to. For the duration of this interview, please answer any questions asked of you as if they relate to a murder investigation, not as if you are at a frat party. Are you clear about that now?
Wyatt Yancey: Yeah, sorry. So, that looks like something of Shiloh's. Why do you have it?
Detective Beckwith: When was the last time you saw it? Do you remember?
Wyatt Yancey: Nah, sometimes she gives things away to loyal customers, so I don't really track her unmentionables. Can I say unmentionables, Detective Magee? I really don't mean to be offensive.
Detective Magee: It was found at the crime scene.
Wyatt Yancey: Well, she did live there, so maybe it got left behind when we moved out. It was a pretty quick eviction.
Detective Magee: It was in the equipment shed in the backyard. Can you think of a reason why it would be in there?
Wyatt Yancey: Oh, yeah, then Shiloh must've given it to Kenny. Is it signed?
Detective Magee: Why would that make a difference?
Wyatt Yancey: She likes to sign stuff and sell it to her fans. If it was signed, Kenny would've bought it, most likely. If it wasn't signed, then maybe she gave it to him.
Detective Beckwith: Why would she give anything to Kenny?
Wyatt Yancey: I dunno. I mean, Shiloh was working with him to get the video stuff.
Detective Beckwith: Like her footage, maybe?
Wyatt Yancey: Yeah, like, she made Hoyt a lot of money.
Detective Magee: What would that have to do with her lingerie?
Wyatt Yancey: Uh, nothing, actually. Nothing. So, I'm not sure at all how it got in there.
Detective Beckwith: Where were you on Wednesday between 2:00 and 6:00 p.m.?
Wyatt Yancey: At home with Shiloh. Remember, detective? You and I were talking, and there was the video camera because Shiloh and I were filming in the living room. Remember?
Detective Magee: Is there anyone besides Shiloh who can confirm that for you, Mr. Yancey?
Wyatt Yancey: No. We don't film with an audience, but that's a good idea, so I need to remember that. Uh, there's no one I can think of, but that's really where we were. Really.
Detective Beckwith: We'll need you to surrender that video to us.
Wyatt Yancey: Whoa. So, I'm just an actor. Shiloh has all the video, you know, because she's the producer, too, and she keeps a tight hold on her property. Sorry. You'll have to ask her.
Detective Magee: Okay. Well, thank you. If we need clarification on anything, we'll be in touch.
Interview ended – 10:09 a.m.