Coroner's report

Office of the Yoknapatawpha County Coroner

10/19/2023, 8:00 a.m. by

Manish Agarwal, M.D.
555 Jackson Avenue
Oxford, MS 38655
662-234-XXXX (FAX 662-234-XXXX)



Victoria Witte, M.D.


Full Autopsy Performed



Coroner's Case #:

Date of Birth:




Date of Death:
 2:00 - 6:00 p.m., 10/18/2023

Body Identified by:
 Kenny Ross, co-worker

Case #

Investigative Agency:
 Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department




Click to enlarge

The autopsy commenced at 8:00 a.m. on October 19, 2023. The body is presented in a black body bag. At the time of examination, the body is dressed in a gray shirt, black belt, black pants, light blue boxer-brief underwear, gray socks, and gray shoes. The crotch of both the underwear and jeans are stained with urine; the right front thigh, right crotch seam, and right buttock of his jeans all show blood staining. Both the front and right side of the shirt collar, the right chest area, as well as the right shirt sleeve are stained with blood.

The body is that of a normally developed white male measuring 71 inches, weighing 185 pounds, and appearing generally consistent with the stated age of 37. The unembalmed body is cold following refrigeration and is well preserved without signs of significant decomposition. Lividity is well-set along the right side of the body with appropriate blanching of the pressure points. The body is still in rigor.

The scalp is covered in brown hair. The body hair is male and average. The irides are hazel, and the eyes are closed. On the left lower eyelid on the inner conjunctival surface, 1-millimeter petechial hemorrhages are present. Less than 1 millimeter petechial hemorrhages are present on the conjunctival surfaces of the right upper and lower eyelid. Scleral hemorrhage is present in both eyes. The nose and ears are unremarkable.

On the anterior aspect of the neck and continuing to the lateral aspects of both sides of the neck, a ligature furrow was identified to be described below.

The skin of the anterior neck above and below the ligature furrow contains areas of petechial hemorrhage and abrasion. The areas are non-patterned, purple to rust colored, and present in the midline, right, and left regions of the anterior neck.

The chest and abdomen are normally formed, symmetrical, and without palpable masses. The back is straight and symmetrical. The anus is atraumatic. The external genitalia are those of a circumcised adult male, and there is no evidence of injury.

The upper and lower extremities are symmetric and normally developed. There is a tribal tattoo present encircling the left arm just above the biceps. Superficial wounds to the hands to be described below.


HEAD--CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: The brain weighs 1,357 grams and is within normal limits. The calvarium and base of the skull are normally configured and have no fractures. The dura is intact, and there is no epidural or subdural hemorrhage.

MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM: The musculoskeletal system is intact, unremarkable, and within normal limits.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The oral cavity contains natural dentition. The frenulum is markedly disrupted, and adjacent purple bruising of the buccal mucosa is present. There are also teeth impressions and superficial bite marks on the mucosal surface of the tongue. The hyoid bone and the cricoid cartilage are intact. The lungs are unremarkable and weigh: right, 444 grams; left, 395 grams.

CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The heart weighs 302 grams. It is within normal limits. No evidence of atherosclerosis or gross ischemic changes of recent or remote origin is present. The endocardial surface and papillary muscles are unremarkable. The myocardium is red-brown, firm, and without fibrosis. The valve leaflets are thin and pliant.

GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: The mucosa and wall of the esophagus are intact and without injury. The gastric mucosa is intact and pink without injury. Approximately 48 ml of liquid is found in the stomach. The mucosa of the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon and rectum are intact. Externally, the small intestine, appendix, and colon are unremarkable to inspection and palpation.

HEPATOBILIARY SYSTEM: The liver weighs 1,560 grams. The gallbladder contains 35 ml of dark green bile, no stones, and is grossly normal. The extrahepatic biliary system is unremarkable. The pancreas shows the usual lobular architecture and mild autolysis and is otherwise normal.

URINARY SYSTEM: The kidneys weigh: left, 136 grams; right, 139 grams. The kidneys are anatomic in size, shape, and location and are without lesions. The pelvicalyceal system and ureters are unremarkable. The urinary bladder contains no urine.

MALE GENITAL SYSTEM: The testicles, the penis, and the prostate gland are anatomic to dissection.

TOXICOLOGY: Samples of central and peripheral blood, vitreous humor, gastric contents, urine, liver, and bile are submitted for toxicologic analysis.

SEROLOGY: A sample of right pleural blood is submitted in the EDTA tube. Routine toxicologic studies were ordered.


(1) The right hand has a 2 x 4 cm abrasion at the distal knuckle of the index, middle, and ring fingers. On the dorsal surface of the right hand, at the base of the ring finger, there is a 1 x 3 cm abrasion. The left hand has a 2 x 4 cm abrasion at the distal knuckle of both the index and middle fingers.

Opinion: These are non-fatal perimortem injuries compatible with wounds that are defensive in nature.

(2) Tooth impressions and superficial bite marks on the mucosal surface of the tongue.

Opinion: These are non-fatal perimortem injuries likely accidentally self-inflicted.

(3) On the anterior aspect of the neck, a ligature furrow mark was present 29 centimeters below the top of the head, up to 1.75 centimeters wide, and just above the thyroid cartilage. At the anterior neck’s midline, the skin at the furrow mark was penetrated up to 1.5 centimeters in a 13-centimeter-long lineal groove. From the anterior neck, the mark extended upwards towards the sides of the neck.

On the lateral aspect of the left side of the neck, the ligature furrow mark tapered to 1 centimeter in width and terminated approximately 3.8 centimeters under the left pinna. As the furrow mark continued to the left side of the neck, it became non-penetrative.

On the lateral aspect of the right side of the neck, the ligature furrow mark tapered to 8 millimeters in width and terminated approximately 3.65 centimeters under the right pinna. As the furrow mark continued to the right side of the neck, it became non-penetrative. A layered dissection of the anterior aspect of the neck demonstrated hemorrhages in the soft tissue and muscle.

Opinion: This is a fatal injury.


Cerebrospinal fluid culture and sensitivity:

Gram stain: Unremarkable
Culture: No growth after 72 hours

Cerebrospinal fluid bacterial antigens:

Hemophilus influenza B: Negative
Streptococcus pneumoniae: Negative
N. Meningitidis: Negative
Neisseria meningitides B/E. Coli K1: Negative


Urine screen {Immunoassay} was NEGATIVE

Blood (Heart) Ethanol: 0.00g/dL
Clinicopathologic Correlation: None

Vitreous Ethanol: 0.00g/dL
Clinicopathologic Correlation: None

Additional analyses pending.

Millicent Schmid, Ph.D.
Chief Toxicologist
October 23, 2023


1. Decedent's clothing

• One (1) gray shirt shirt

• One (1) pair black pants

• Two (2) gray socks

• Two (2) gray men's shoes

• One (1) black belt

• One (1) pair blue men's underwear

• One (1) white underwear

2. One (1) receipt for gasoline from Double Quick gas station

3. Assorted coins

4. Samples of Blood (type AB-), Vitreous Fluid, Bile, and Tissue (heart, lung, brain, kidney, liver, spleen)

5. Stomach contents

5. Eight (8) autopsy photographs

6. Two (2) postmortem x-rays

7. One (1) postmortem CT scan


Time of Death: Body and environmental temperatures, rigor and livor mortis, stomach contents, and other factors approximate the time of death between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on 10/18/2023.

Cause of Death: Asphyxia due to ligature strangulation

Manner of Death: Homicide


//Manish Agarwal, M.D.
Yoknapatawpha County Coroner's Office
October 23, 2023