Young man with short wavy dark hair and dark mustache and beard

Mitch Freedman bio

Mitchell Gregory Freedman was born in Oxford, Mississippi, on January 3, 2003, to Margaret and John Freedman. When Mitch was just an infant, his father left his mother without any warning and was never heard from again. About a year later, Margaret met a man named Cole Weathers, and they got married shortly after that.

Cole had two sons from a previous marriage, both of whom were older than Mitch. Although Mitch's mother tried her best to intervene on his behalf when he was being picked on, he was often bullied and ostracized by his older step-brothers.

Mitch always enjoyed school and saw it as a respite from his stepbrothers. He had been a straight-A student until he started high school when his teachers began noticing a change in his personality. He started dressing differently and has been caught skipping school on several occasions.

His mother has also noticed this change in Mitch's personality but believes that it's just a phase, and he will grow out of it. However, she has been having difficulty getting Mitch to talk to her and isn't sure how to help him.