Young woman with short dark hair

Megan McDowell bio

Megan Marie McDowell was born on February 17, 2005, to Jacob and Marie McDowell in Oxford, Mississippi. Jacob worked at a steam plant and made a very good living, so Marie stayed home with their daughter.

Megan was always a gifted child, taking voice and dance lessons before even starting kindergarten. She was raised to be extraordinary and to make the most of her talents. She loved dressing up in fancy clothes and performing dance routines and songs for her family.

When Megan entered school, she was a favorite in her class, liked both by the students and her teachers. Early in elementary school, she met Jasmine Ledbetter, and they connected right away. They were best friends throughout their elementary and junior high years.

Megan and Jasmine took turns having slumber parties at one house or the other, talking about boys, putting on makeup, and singing and dancing to their favorite music. They were inseparable in their early teens.

During high school, Megan had her share of boyfriends, sometimes spending more time with them than her friends, including Jasmine. As a result, Megan and Jasmine drifted apart while Megan's attention was primarily focused on boys.

Megan's mother disapproved of her daughter having so many different boyfriends, especially at such a young age, but she bit her tongue, realizing Megan needed to learn from her own mistakes. Her parents hoped Megan would run through her "wild phase" before she started college when she'd really need to settle down.

After graduating from high school, Megan decided to attend the University of Mississippi in Oxford. She wanted to be near her parents while getting an excellent education.

After a disastrous first semester comprised of too much socializing and not enough studying, Megan finally did settle down. She realized that her parents wouldn't always support her financially, and if she wanted to have a good life and keep all the things she had become accustomed to while growing up, she must have a college degree. She reapplied herself to her studies, and she's currently a sophomore at Ole Miss, majoring in business. 

After her epiphany about what she wanted from her life, Megan also reconnected with Jasmine, and the two were closer than ever. They spent time together whenever possible and supported each other as they pursued their respective dreams.