Margherita pizza

Co-worker canvass

Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's investigators spoke to Jasmine Ledbetter's co-workers at Square Pizza.

Investigators were looking for information about Jasmine's relationships in the workplace and anything or anyone unusual she may have encountered there.

The interviews summarized are some of the most typical or relevant to the investigation and are representative of all interviews conducted.


Stephanie Albright

Ms. Albright, age 20, said she was hired at the same time as Jasmine and worked with her many times. Ms. Albright said she was frustrated that she was passed up for promotion, and Jasmine got the job instead.

"I know why Mr. Jackson gave her the management position. Everyone thought she was such a nice, sweet girl, but I know she was just a tramp. Her mom would come in and be so proud of her little angel. Ha! If she only knew some of the things about her that I did, she wouldn't be so proud. Jasmine had all the boys down here fooled. She would bat her eyes at them, and they'd do anything for her. I worked just as hard as her, and she got all the best jobs."

Ms. Albright said she did not know who Jasmine's current boyfriend was but said it was hard to keep track of all her boyfriends.


Ronald Goodwin

Mr. Goodwin, age 18, said he had worked with Jasmine for one year. Goodwin said Jasmine came across as pretty nice, but if you didn't do your work, she was "a real witch."

Goodwin said he had tried to ask Jasmine out when he first started working at Square Pizza, but she refused, claiming her mother wouldn't like it if she dated a co-worker.

"I figured it was a lie, especially after seeing the loser she hung out with. That guy was a total moron."

Mr. Goodwin said he did not know the name of Jasmine's current boyfriend.


Buford "Sox" Jackson
Square Pizza co-owner

Mr. Jackson, age 45, said Jasmine was a hard worker and was always on time. Jackson said she got along well with her co-workers and was very responsible, which was why she had been promoted to assistant manager at such a young age.

"She was the model employee. I wish I had ten more just like her."


Hannah Poole

Ms. Poole said she had worked with Jasmine for two months. She said Jasmine was kind and treated her more like a friend than a new employee.

"She was always very nice and more like a friend to me than a boss. She didn't boss me around like some of the other employees and managers. Although, the last couple of weeks she did seem preoccupied, maybe because that girl kept asking questions about her."

Ms. Poole said she did not know who Jasmine was currently dating.


Edward Schmitz

Mr. Schmitz, age 17, said he had worked with Jasmine for about six months, and she had been a good boss. Schmitz said he thought Jasmine treated everyone fairly and was nice to him.

"She was a totally awesome babe. Really hot, pretty nice. Too bad she had a boyfriend, or I would've asked her out."