Tuesday, May 14, 2024 – 10:45 a.m.
Ashley Beckwith is Christopher Wooten's former girlfriend.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy interviewed her at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Ashley Beckwith
Detective Armstrong: Thank you for coming in today, Ms. Beckwith. For the record, would you please state your name and address?
Ashley Beckwith: Certainly. Ashley Beckwith. My address is 913 South 13th Street, Oxford. I rent a home from my parents. Makes for cheap rent.
Detective Murphy: You've lived in Oxford for a while, then?
Ashley Beckwith: Born and raised, detective, and proud of it.
Detective Murphy: I understand your father is Bret Beckwith. Is that correct?
Ashley Beckwith: Yes, our family has lived in Oxford for almost 200 years.
Detective Armstrong: Where do you work, Ms. Beckwith?
Ashley Beckwith: I'm currently enrolled at Ole Miss in the pharmacy program.
Detective Armstrong: Are you enjoying that?
Ashley Beckwith: Yes, I am. As you know, my father is a cardiologist here in Oxford, and I guess the medical bug kind of bit me, too.
Detective Murphy: Do you know why we asked you to come in today?
Ashley Beckwith: I assume it has something to do with the murder of Jasmine Ledbetter.
Detective Murphy: Correct. Did you know Ms. Ledbetter?
Ashley Beckwith: No, not really. I think I may have seen her around town now and then, and someone may have pointed her out to me, but I didn't really know her.
Detective Armstrong: Didn't you use to date Christopher Wooten?
Ashley Beckwith: Christopher? Well, yes, but that was a while ago. I haven't talked to Christopher in months.
Detective Murphy: How was your relationship with Christopher?
Ashley Beckwith: How was it? Well, we were in love. It was wonderful, and it was terrible. It was passionate. It was exciting and rocky.
Detective Armstrong: What do you mean by rocky?
Ashley Beckwith: Oh, well, we had our arguments now and then. Christopher likes to have things his way or not at all. I was willing to sacrifice for our love, though.
Detective Murphy: And what happened when Christopher didn't get his way?
Ashley Beckwith: He might yell, maybe walk away.
Detective Armstrong: Nothing more than that?
Ashley Beckwith: More, like what?
Detective Armstrong: Did your arguments with Christopher ever get physical?
Ashley Beckwith: You mean, did he ever hit me? Of course not. Christopher's not that kind of person.
Detective Armstrong: He does have a temper, though, right?
Ashley Beckwith: Only about things he really cares about.
Detective Armstrong: And you never felt afraid or worried about your safety during any of your arguments with him?
Ashley Beckwith: No, never.
Detective Murphy: Why did you and Christopher break up?
Ashley Beckwith: At a certain point, we had to accept that, no matter how much we loved each other, we wanted different things.
Detective Murphy: So, neither one of you had any hard feelings?
Ashley Beckwith: No, of course not. In many ways, Christopher was the best thing that ever happened to me.
Detective Murphy: What do you mean?
Ashley Beckwith: Well, having been in a relationship with Christopher—and having it not work out—made me realize what it takes to be in a relationship and hold it together when you truly love someone.
Detective Murphy: Did you try to get back together with Christopher after you two had broken up?
Ashley Beckwith: Well, we talked about it some, but then he moved on.
Detective Armstrong: With Jasmine Ledbetter?
Ashley Beckwith: I'm not aware of whom he moved on with, detective. Perhaps you should ask him. All I know is he said he was dating someone new. I had no idea who that was.
Detective Armstrong: Did you know Christopher and Jasmine were dating when she died?
Ashley Beckwith: No, I didn't know that.
Detective Murphy: Are you sure you didn't know Jasmine?
Ashley Beckwith: Positive. Well, other than as a passing acquaintance, I didn't. Of course, I know lots of people in that way.
Detective Armstrong: Did you ever talk with Jasmine? Either in person or on the phone?
Ashley Beckwith: I might have said hi in passing, but I don't know her well enough to talk to her on the phone. Unless one of those nitwits at Square Pizza messed up my order, and I had to get her on the phone to straighten it out.
Detective Armstrong: How did you know she worked at Square Pizza if you didn't know her that well?
Ashley Beckwith: Oh … well, it must have been in the news, or one of my friends may have mentioned it.
Detective Armstrong: Are you currently dating anyone, Ashley?
Ashley Beckwith: Oh, detective, are you flirting with me? I must admit a man with a badge is kind of a turn-on, but you're a little old for me, don't you think?
Detective Armstrong: Please answer the question.
Ashley Beckwith: Well, if you must know, I am not currently dating anyone. I'm enjoying my freedom, and actually, I don't have much time for it right now with school. But if you know some cute young officer, you could give him my name and number.
Detective Murphy: Thank you for coming in, Ashley. We may be contacting you in the future if we have any more questions.
Interview ended – 11:08 a.m.