Wednesday, May 15, 2024 – 2:53 p.m.
Christopher Wooten was Jasmine Ledbetter's boyfriend.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy re-interviewed him at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Christopher Wooten
Detective Armstrong: Good afternoon, Chris. How are you doing?
Christopher Wooten: Okay, I guess. What's this all about? I thought I answered all your questions last time.
Detective Murphy: Just a few things we need to clear up. Would you please state your name and address for the record?
Christopher Wooten: Christopher Wooten 213 S. 17th, same as last time I was here.
Detective Armstrong: Okay, Chris, one thing we need to ask you about is going fishing on Saturday.
Christopher Wooten: I left home around 11:00 a.m. and got home between 6:30 and 7:00 p.m., I guess. I'm not sure exactly. I know I left Sardis Lake around 5:30 p.m.
Detective Murphy: Does it take an hour to drive from Sardis back to Oxford?
Christopher Wooten: No. I stopped at Huddle House. I hadn't eaten since breakfast, and I felt like waffles, you know?
Detective Armstrong: Did you see anyone you know there?
Christopher Wooten: Yeah, come to think of it, there was a guy there from one of my classes at school: Michael Rainey. He waved and said hello, but we didn't talk. He could tell you I was there, though.
Detective Murphy: Did Jasmine talk to you about the interview she had scheduled for that day?
Christopher Wooten: Yeah. She was real excited about the possibility of going to work someplace that wasn't food service. This Knapp guy was going to train her and give her quite a bit of responsibility, she said. She was nervous about the interview, afraid he might not like her or something.
Detective Murphy: Were you comfortable with her going alone to his house on Saturday?
Christopher Wooten: Sure, why not? You think he's some pervert or something?
Detective Murphy: Well, it was a bit odd to go to a stranger's house, don't you think?
Christopher Wooten: She said she knew of this guy. She said he had a good reputation around town and had taken a lot of kids and family pictures, so she wasn't worried. I didn't worry about it after she told me that.
Detective Armstrong: When was the last time you saw Jasmine?
Christopher Wooten: We went to a party the Thursday night before she … you know, before she was killed. We were lucky we were both off that night. That was the last time I saw her. Do you know yet who … you know, who killed her?
Detective Armstrong: Not yet, but we're getting closer all the time. That's why we wanted to talk to you today.
Christopher Wooten: I sure wish you'd catch the S.O.B. who did this. She was a good person, you know. She didn't deserve to die.
Detective Armstrong: Do you have any idea who might have wanted her dead?
Christopher Wooten: No. No one I know could have done something like that.
Detective Murphy: What about your ex-girlfriend? How did she feel about Jasmine?
Christopher Wooten: Who? Ashley? Jasmine and I didn't start going out until after Ashley and I had broken up.
Detective Murphy: You didn't answer my question, Chris. Do you know how Ashley felt about Jasmine?
Christopher Wooten: She didn't really like Jasmine very much, okay?
Detective Murphy: Why not?
Christopher Wooten: I guess she was jealous.
Detective Murphy: Jealous of what?
Christopher Wooten: You're going to make me say it, aren't you? Ashley wants to get back together with me, okay?
Detective Murphy: Do you want to get back together with her?
Christopher Wooten: No! I was with Jasmine.
Detective Murphy: What about now that Jasmine is out of the picture?
Christopher Wooten: How can you ask that? You think I'd just hook up with someone else now?
Detective Murphy: I don't know.
Christopher Wooten: Well, I wouldn't. Besides, I don't want to get back together with Ashley, no matter what.
Detective Murphy: Why not?
Christopher Wooten: Because she's crazy.
Detective Murphy: Crazy enough to try to get Jasmine out of the way?
Christopher Wooten: What? No. No, she wouldn't do that. She couldn't.
Detective Armstrong: How do you know that Ashley wants to get back together with you?
Christopher Wooten: What?
Detective Armstrong: Did she tell you? Send you a note? Are you just guessing? What?
Christopher Wooten: She let it be known.
Detective Armstrong: How did she do that?
Christopher Wooten: You know how girls do.
Detective Armstrong: Are you covering for her?
Christopher Wooten: What do you mean?
Detective Armstrong: Chris, look at me. We already know. If you don't tell us the truth and right now, we're going to think you helped Ashley.
Christopher Wooten: Helped her what? You think she did something to Jasmine?
Detective Armstrong: You tell us.
Christopher Wooten: Fine. She was calling Jasmine, okay? Trying to get her to break up with me.
Detective Armstrong: How many times?
Christopher Wooten: I don't know. A lot.
Detective Armstrong: What did you do about it?
Christopher Wooten: I told Ashley to back off, but she wouldn't listen to me. I told you. She's crazy.
Detective Armstrong: Did Ashley ever confront you or Jasmine in person?
Christopher Wooten: No. We saw her around a few times, but she never talked to us when we were together.
Detective Armstrong: What about when you weren't together?
Christopher Wooten: Well, I guess she has a friend who lives near me because I see her on my street sometimes.
Detective Armstrong: What about Jasmine?
Christopher Wooten: No, I don't think so. She would've told me if Ashley had tried to talk to her in person.
Detective Murphy: Do you know how Ashley got Jasmine's cell phone number?
Christopher Wooten: What?
Detective Murphy: You said you knew Ashley was calling her. How did she get the number?
Christopher Wooten: I don't know.
Detective Murphy: Did you give it to her?
Christopher Wooten: No way. Why would I do that?
Detective Murphy: It must've made you feel good, having two women fighting over you.
Christopher Wooten: No, it didn't. Ashley was making Jasmine miserable. I never wanted that.
Detective Murphy: What did you want?
Christopher Wooten: I wanted Ashley to leave us alone. I thought she'd eventually give up if we just ignored her.
Detective Murphy: Do you think she might have done something more drastic to get your attention?
Christopher Wooten: Are you asking me if Ashley could've killed Jasmine? No. No! I don't know. I didn't think so, but it sounds like you do, so maybe I'm wrong. I just don't know. I'll never forgive myself if this is my fault.
Detective Armstrong: Would Ashley have any reason to believe you wanted Jasmine dead?
Christopher Wooten: I didn't want Jasmine dead! But who knows what Ashley thinks? I told you she's crazy.
Detective Murphy: We're conducting a thorough investigation. How do you think the investigation will come out concerning you and whether you did this?
Christopher Wooten: I think you're full of it if you think I had anything to do with this. If you're doing all the investigating you say, you'll know for sure I had nothing to do with it. I didn't see Jasmine that day. I didn't have any reason to want her dead. And I wouldn't kill anybody!
Detective Armstrong: Okay, Chris. Calm down. That's all we have for today. Thank you for your cooperation. We'll be in touch if we need anything else.
Interview ended – 3:15 p.m.