Friday, June 17, 2019 – 11:15 a.m.
Brenda Ledbetter is the victim's mother.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy re-interviewed her at her residence.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Brenda Ledbetter
Detective Murphy: For the record, could you state your name and address?
Brenda Ledbetter: Certainly. My name is Brenda Ledbetter, and I live here at 17 Van Buren Avenue.
Detective Murphy: You have a lovely home.
Brenda Ledbetter: Thank you. I do try.
Detective Murphy: Do you recognize the young woman in this photo?
Brenda Ledbetter: No, I don't think so.
Detective Murphy: Her name is Ashley. Did Jasmine ever mention her?
Brenda Ledbetter: No, not that I remember. Why? Is she the one who killed my daughter?
Detective Murphy: She's just someone who's come up in the investigation. Do you remember ever seeing her anywhere?
Brenda Ledbetter: No, I don't think so.
Detective Armstrong: Have you ever been to Christopher Wooten's residence?
Brenda Ledbetter: No, certainly not.
Detective Armstrong: Do you know where he lives?
Brenda Ledbetter: I'm not sure. Somewhere off University, I think.
Detective Armstrong: Since Jasmine didn't have a car, did you ever drop her off there?
Brenda Ledbetter: Why are you asking me this? What difference could it possibly make?
Detective Armstrong: We're just trying to get all the information we can.
Brenda Ledbetter: Why don't you ask Christopher where he's been? He was all wrong for her. Maybe he finally figured that out and killed her.
Detective Armstrong: We'll look into that.
Detective Murphy: You told us before that you went to Kroger last Saturday evening. Is that right?
Brenda Ledbetter: Yes, I did.
Detective Murphy: Do you have one of those shopper's cards they have where you can get all the deals?
Brenda Ledbetter: I do. So what?
Detective Murphy: Those are great, aren't they? You can save so much money. Did you use yours that night?
Brenda Ledbetter: I'm sure I probably did. Sometimes I forget, though.
Detective Murphy: Did Jasmine have a card, too, for when she did the shopping?
Brenda Ledbetter: No, I just gave her mine when she needed it if one of us remembered before she went.
Detective Murphy: Have you used your card lately?
Brenda Ledbetter: I'm sure I must have. What does this have to do with anything?
Detective Armstrong: We'd like permission to search Jasmine's room and the common areas here in your house.
Brenda Ledbetter: Certainly. Although I can't imagine what you hope to find.
Detective Armstrong: Basically, we're looking for anything that might point to her killer.
Brenda Ledbetter: Are you suggesting her killer came into the house that night?
Detective Murphy: Not necessarily. But there might be a letter or a receipt or some other information that might help identify a motive or her killer.
Brenda Ledbetter: Nobody could have any reason to murder my daughter.
Detective Armstrong: But somebody did murder her.
Brenda Ledbetter: I've come to the conclusion that it must have been a case of mistaken identity.
Detective Armstrong: By the person who arranged to pick her up?
Brenda Ledbetter: That's assuming that someone didn't break in and kill her.
Detective Armstrong: A burglar?
Brenda Ledbetter: They would've seen my car leave and assumed the house was empty. He killed her and then took her body away to buy himself time.
Detective Murphy: Was there any sign a burglar had been in the house?
Brenda Ledbetter: Jasmine might— I'm sorry.
Detective Murphy: Have you noticed any strange cars hanging around the neighborhood?
Brenda Ledbetter: No, but I haven't been looking.
Detective Murphy: Do we have your permission to search the garage as well as Jasmine's room and the common areas?
Brenda Ledbetter: Of course. I just want you to find her killer.
Detective Murphy: Thank you. If you'll just sign this form, we'll get started.
Interview ended – 11:27 a.m.