Audio transcript

Monday, January 1, 2024

The following excerpt is taken from the transcript of a recording Dani Bonner voluntarily turned over to the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department (Evidence # 006559-58).

Mrs. Bonner made the audio recording of a conversation she had with Zoe Chase on New Year's Day 2024.


Zoe Chase: […] Oh, I was just kidding.

Dani Bonner: You have no idea how much that hurt. Sometimes the things you say…

Zoe Chase: You know I don't mean them.

Dani Bonner: Not always. I don't always know.

Zoe Chase: Dani, what can I say to convince you?

Dani Bonner: Never mind. Let's just drop it. It's a new year, time for resolutions…

Zoe Chase: I'm sorry.

Dani Bonner: I know.

Zoe Chase: I've already apologized a hundred times. Will a hundred and one do the trick?

Dani Bonner: It's okay. Forget it. Want some champagne?

Zoe Chase: Just to prove I mean it, how about this…

Dani Bonner: You don't have to prove—

Zoe Chase: I, Zoe Chase, being of sound mind and body—

Dani Bonner: Zoe…

Zoe Chase: do hereby bequeath all my material and worldly goods to—

Dani Bonner: Zoe!

Zoe Chase: my dearest and best friend, Danielle Brady Bonner, including but not limited to my jewelry, automobile, literary works and the rights to said works, secret recipes, my red sling-back pumps, and my leather jacket. Does that prove we're still best friends?

Dani Bonner: Zoe, do you mean it?

Zoe Chase: Of course I mean it.

[End excerpt]