Coroner's report


Office of the Yoknapatawpha County Coroner

12/21/2024, 1:00 p.m. by

Manish Agarwal, M.D.
555 Jackson Avenue
Oxford, MS 38655
662-234-XXXX (FAX 662-234-XXXX)



Victoria Witte, M.D.


Full Autopsy Performed



Coroner's Case #:

Date of Birth:




Date of Death:

Body Identified by:
 Howard Neidelman, father of the deceased

Case #

Investigative Agency:
 Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department




The autopsy is begun at 1:00 p.m. on December 21, 2024. The body is presented in a black body bag. At the time of examination, the body is fully clothed in a white knit blouse, black slacks, and black fabric sandals.

The body is that of a normally developed, well-nourished white female measuring 67 inches (170 cm) in length, weighing 162 pounds (73.6 kg), and appearing generally consistent with the stated age of 35 years. The body is cold following refrigeration, and preservation is good on the unembalmed body. Lividity is fixed on the anterior of the body, and there is a loss of rigor.

Scalp hair is blonde, approximately 40-46 cm in length, and knotted in an elastic band. The body hair is female and average. The eyes are closed, and the irides are blue. The nose and ears are unremarkable. The teeth are natural and well-maintained. The skull is symmetric and intact except for a defect associated with a gunshot wound of the right side of the head described below.

The anterior chest is of normal contour and is intact except for a defect in the right thoracic region associated with a gunshot wound described below. The breasts are female and contain no palpable masses. The abdomen is protuberant, and the pelvis is intact. The back is straight, symmetrical, and intact except for a defect in the left thoracic region associated with a wound described below. The external genitalia is that of a female adult, and there is no evidence of injury. The anus is not dilated and has no evidence of injury. The upper and lower extremities are symmetric and normally developed with no significant deforming injuries.

There are no residual scars or markings.


All organs are within normal limits. No underlying pathological disease conditions or congenital anomalies were observed.

Examination of the pelvic area indicates the subject had not given birth. Subject was not pregnant at the time of death. There is no evidence of recent forced or consensual sexual activity.


There are three gunshot-related injuries of the body enumerated here for purposes of identification only.

(1) A gunshot wound of the right side of the head approximately 5 cm above and 1.25 cm anterior to the right ear. There is no evidence of soot or powder in the surrounding hair or on the scalp. Using a CT scan, a small caliber, full metal jacket projectile is observed lodged in the left cerebral cortex. The projectile appears to be .25 caliber and was not recovered.

Opinion: This is a fatal injury.

(2) A gunshot wound of the right anterior chest, 2.5 cm right of median. There is no evidence of soot or powder deposit on the surrounding skin or overlying clothing by visual examination. A small caliber, full metal jacket projectile is recovered from the fifth thoracic vertebra and is preserved in the usual manner.

Opinion: This is a fatal injury.

(3) A penetrating wound to the left posterior chest approximately 2.5 cm left of median, in an area approximately 2.5 cm by 4 cm. Wound is a result of bone fragments piercing the skin.

Opinion: This is a non-fatal perimortem injury.

(4) Minor abrasions on the right cheekbone, palms of the hands, and knees.

Opinion: These are non-fatal perimortem injuries.


Cerebrospinal fluid culture and sensitivity:

Gram stain: Unremarkable
Culture: No growth after 72 hours

Cerebrospinal fluid bacterial antigens:

Hemophilus influenza B: Negative
Streptococcus pneumoniae: Negative
N. Meningitidis: Negative
Neisseria meningitides B/E. Coli K1: Negative

Drug Screen Results:

Urine screen {Immunoassay} was NEGATIVE.
Ethanol: 0 gm/dl, Blood (Heart)
Ethanol: 0 gm/dl, Vitreous


Millicent Schmid, Ph.D.
Chief Toxicologist
December 24, 2024


1. One (1) pair black women's slacks

2. One (1) women's blouse, white

3. One (1) pair women's loafers, black

4. One (1) small caliber projectile

5. Samples of Blood (type A+), Bile, and Tissue (heart, lung, brain, kidney, liver, spleen)

6. Fourteen (14) autopsy photographs

7. One postmortem CT scan

8. One postmortem MRI

9. Two (2) postmortem x-rays


Time of Death: Body temperature, rigor and livor mortis, and stomach contents approximate the time of death between 9:00 p.m. on December 20, 2024, and 12:00 a.m. on December 21, 2024.

Immediate Cause of Death: I. Craniocerebral trauma due to gunshot wound of the head. II. Gunshot wound of the chest.

Manner of Death: Homicide


//Manish Agarwal, M.D.
Yoknapatawpha County Coroner's Office
December 24, 2024