Evidence analysis


REPORT DATE: 12/30/2024

Andrew Needham, FTEE
Jackson Laboratory
Jackson, MS 39205
601-987-XXXX (FAX 601-987-XXXX)

Analysis: Latent Print Examination; Trace Evidence Analysis; Firearms Analysis

               ** RUSH **

Case #: 006559-21L-2024

Case Description: Zoe Chase homicide investigation

Investigative Agency: Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department

Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy, Det. T. Armstrong

Summary of Preliminary Evidence Analysis


Evidence #Vehicle locationIdentified as
006559-P038 left rear passenger door - exterior Ed Bonner
006559-P039 left rear passenger door - exterior Ed Bonner
006559-P040 right rear passenger door - exterior Dani Bonner
006559-P041 front passenger door - exterior Jack Swanson
006559-P042 front passenger door - exterior Dani Bonner
006559-P043 radio console Dani Bonner
006559-P044 radio console Jack Swanson
006559-P045 glove compartment door - exterior Dani Bonner
006559-P046 passenger side dashboard Dani Bonner
006559-P047 gear shift lever Jack Swanson
006559-P048 steering wheel Mallory Benson
006559-P049 steering wheel Peggy LeClaire
006559-P050 radio console Jack Swanson
006559-P051 radio console Dani Bonner
006559-P052 front passenger door - exterior Mallory Benson
006559-P053 front passenger door - interior Steven Atwater
006559-P054 front passenger door - interior Mallory Benson
006559-P055 liftback - interior Jack Swanson
006559-P056 liftback - exterior Steven Atwater
006559-P057 liftback - exterior Beau Jenkins
006559-P058 liftback - exterior Jack Swanson
006559-P059 gas tank cap Jack Swanson
006559-P060 driver door - exterior Debbie Fitzgerald
006559-P061 driver door - exterior Jack Swanson
006559-P062 front passenger door - exterior Dani Bonner
006559-P063 front passenger door - exterior Mallory Benson
006559-P064 front passenger door - exterior Mallory Benson
006559-P065 front passenger door - interior Jack Swanson
006559-P066 front passenger door - interior Peggy LeClaire
006559-P067 steering wheel Dani Bonner
006559-P068 steering wheel Jack Swanson
006559-P069 liftback - exterior Mallory Benson
006559-P070 front passenger door - interior Steven Atwater
006559-P071 front passenger door - interior Jack Swanson


Evidence #DescriptionConsistent with
006559-H001 through 006559-H010 Ten (10) blonde hairs, 18 inches length, found in driver area Zoe Chase
006559-H011 through 006559-H012 Two (2) brown hairs, 16 inches length, found in driver area Peggy LeClaire
006559-H013 through 006559-H019 Seven (7) dark brown hairs, 3 inches length, found in driver and passenger area Jack Swanson
006559-H020 through 006559-H023 Four (4) blonde hairs, 12 inches length, found in passenger area Mallory Benson
006559-H024 through 006559-H026 Three (3) brown hairs, 4 inches length, found in passenger area Steven Atwater


The .25 caliber semi-automatic handguns listed below match the description of the weapon used in the Zoe Chase homicide and belong to someone connected with Zoe Chase or with the investigation into her murder. Each of these handgun owners voluntarily surrendered their weapon to the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department for ballistics testing.

Each of these handguns was test-fired using Winchester .25 Automatic Full Metal Jacket rounds, the same type as the casings found at the crime scene (Evidence #s 006559-31 through 006559-32) and as the bullet recovered from the body at autopsy.

The resulting test-fired rounds were then compared with the bullet recovered during autopsy.

NameWeaponSerial #Finding
Atwater, Steven Beretta 21 Bobcat EL 8175V1 inconsistent
Bonner, Edward Browning Renaissance 8863KS inconsistent
Jenkins, Alan Seecamp .25 Automatic 7Z24895 inconsistent
LeClaire, Peggy Beretta 21 Bobcat 69948V7 inconsistent
Templeton, Russell Beretta Jetfire 92325V8 inconclusive