Truth and consequences

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The View from Behind the Chair: Truth and Consequences

In this edition: rebounding with a vengeance… woe and worry… and a heads-up for your Rebel hijinks

Greetings, peeps!

The View from Behind the Chair is the only place you'll hear the secrets people share when they're in the chair.

A row of stylist chairs in front of mirrors in a hair salon

And in this chair?

In the first chair, a shopgirl with luscious locks tells me a recently dumped doyenne is putting the "vamp" in revamping her wardrobe. When her ex sees her new look, he may have second thoughts about that nubile naif who turned his head, but all the signs say it's too late for that lothario.

Stay on your toes, boys. There's a new femme fatale in town, and she's on the prowl for fresh prey.


And in this chair?

In the second chair, one of the ladies who lunch said she and her gal pals are reeling from the sudden loss of one of their own last night. The late lady in question apparently had her share of frenemies and maybe a secret or two that might shock Oxonians, including her high-powered hubby, who could lose more than just face if the hush-hush info comes to light.

With the hunt for the killer in full swing, more than a few nervous Nellies are wondering if and when detectives might show up on their doorsteps.


And in this chair?

And in the third chair, a well-coiffed woman in the know about all things law enforcement confided that officers on campus and off are ramping up for the start of the fall semester with new training and equipment. It seems the powers that be would prefer a little less mayhem with their Hotty Toddy this football season, so all you past, current, and future Rebels out there, consider yourselves on notice.


I'm just hearing, and I'm just saying.

Posted by The Face in the Mirror at 5:22 PM