Evidence analysis



Andrew Needham, FTEE
Jackson Laboratory
Jackson, MS 39205
601-987-XXXX (FAX 601-987-XXXX)

Analysis: Trace Evidence Analysis; Mobile Device Analysis

Case #: 003897-31G-2024

Case Description: Kelly Moran death investigation

Investigative Agency: Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department

Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy, Det. T. Armstrong


Summary of Preliminary Evidence Analysis

Evidence # and Description


003897-01: One (1) feather recovered from the floor 6.2" north and 2.5" west of the victim's right foot

Identified as Melopsittacus undulatus or budgerigar (common pet parakeet) by Dr. John Trott, ornithologist, University of Mississippi in Oxford

Click image to enlarge

003897-02: One (1) feather recovered from the floor 3.4" south and 9.7" west of the victim's right foot


Identified as Melopsittacus undulatus or budgerigar (common pet parakeet) by Dr. John Trott, ornithologist, University of Mississippi in Oxford

Click image to enlarge

003897-03: One (1) cell phone, recovered from under the south seat cushion on the sofa where the victim was found

Device is a prepaid, no-contract cellular telephone. No identifying information was recovered beyond the internal call log.

Click image to enlarge

003897-09: One (1) prescription medication bottle containing twelve (12) tablets, prescribed to Kelly Moran

Twelve (12) tablets identified by GC-MS analysis as a 5/325 oxycodone/acetaminophen formulation sold as Percocet

Click image to enlarge

003897-10-02: One (1) cell phone

Device is a cellular phone on contract with AT&T. Contract in the name of Kelly S Moran. Call and SMS logs, digital photos and other data recovered are consistent with Kelly Moran.

Click image to enlarge

003897-10-06: One (1) small pill box containing seven (7) tablets

Seven (7) tablets identified by GC-MS analysis as a 5/325 oxycodone/acetaminophen formulation sold as Percocet

Click image to enlarge

003897-11: One (1) candle safe containing two (2) $100 bills, twenty-seven (27) $20 bills, thirteen (13) $10 bills

Candle is 4" in diameter, 6" tall, made of vegetable wax, includes a metal storage compartment where the cash was recovered, and is available for retail purchase. Bills are authentic US currency and are unremarkable.

Click image to enlarge

003897-12: glass shards collected from in front of the exterior door in the south wall Glass is consistent with the window glass in the door adjacent to where the shards were recovered
003897-30: One (1) 52 cm brown hair recovered from the victim's clothing at autopsy Hair is human and undyed. Hair is not consistent with the victim. Additional analyses possible, pending investigative developments.