Fingerprint analysis


REPORT DATE: 8/4/2024

Cynthia J. Markert, CLPE
North Mississippi Regional Laboratory
Batesville, MS 38606
662-563-XXXX (FAX 662-563-XXXX)

Analysis: Latent Print Examination

Case #: 003897-31G-2024

Case Description: Kelly Moran death investigation

Investigative Agency: Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department

Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy, Det. T. Armstrong


Summary of Fingerprint Comparison

Evidence # and Description


003897-03: One (1) cell phone, recovered from under the south seat cushion on the sofa where the victim was found Three (3) unidentified partial latent fingerprints
003897-04: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the table lamp north of the sofa where the victim was found Unidentified
003897-05: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the table lamp north of the sofa where the victim was found Identified as consistent with Kelly Moran
003897-06: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the table lamp north of the sofa where the victim was found Unidentified
003897-07: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the table lamp north of the sofa where the victim was found Unidentified
003897-08: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the table lamp north of the sofa where the victim was found Identified as consistent with Kelly Moran
003897-09: One (1) prescription medication bottle containing twelve (12) tablets, prescribed to Kelly Moran Four (4) partial latent fingerprints identified as consistent with Kelly Moran.
003897-10-02: One (1) cell phone recovered from women's handbag in kitchen Two (2) partial latent fingerprints identified as consistent with Kelly Moran
One (1) partial latent fingerprint identified as consistent with Russell Moran
One (1) unidentified partial latent fingerprint
003897-10-06: One (1) small pill box containing seven (7) tablets, recovered from women's handbag in kitchen One (1) partial latent fingerprint identified as consistent with Kelly Moran
003897-11: One (1) candle safe containing two (2) $100 bills, twenty-seven (27) $20 bills, thirteen (13) $10 bills No identifiable fingerprints recovered
003897-13: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the inside of the exterior door in the south wall Identified as consistent with Russell Moran
003897-14: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the inside of the exterior door in the south wall Unidentified
003897-15: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the inside of the exterior door in the south wall Unidentified
003897-16: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the inside of the exterior door in the south wall Identified as consistent with Kelly Moran
003897-17: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the inside of the exterior door in the south wall Identified as consistent with Russell Moran
003897-18: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the inside of the exterior door in the south wall Unidentified
003897-19: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the inside of the exterior door in the south wall Unidentified
003897-20: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the inside of the exterior door in the south wall Unidentified
003897-21: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the inside of the exterior door in the south wall Identified as consistent with Russell Moran
003897-22: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the inside of the exterior door in the south wall Unidentified
003897-23: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the inside of the exterior door in the south wall Unidentified
003897-24: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the outside of the exterior door in the south wall Identified as consistent with Russell Moran
003897-25: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the outside of the exterior door in the south wall Identified as consistent with Kelly Moran
003897-26: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the outside of the exterior door in the south wall Identified as consistent with Russell Moran
003897-27: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the outside of the exterior door in the south wall Unidentified
003897-28: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the outside of the exterior door in the south wall Unidentified
003897-29: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the outside of the exterior door in the south wall Identified as consistent with Kelly Moran

 Examiner's Notes: