Woman with glasses and a short blonde bob haircut

Natalie Martin interview #3

Thursday, September 19, 2024 - 3:05 p.m.

Natalie Martin recently resigned as the head nurse at the Yoknapatawpha Acres nursing home, where Jerry Shaw worked, after Mr. Shaw's death.

Detectives Armstrong and Murphy re-interviewed her at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.


Detective Armstrong: Thank you for coming in again. As before, please state your name and address.

Natalie Martin: Natalie Martin, 1182 Mimosa Drive, Oxford, Mississippi.

Detective Armstrong: How'd that interview go?

Natalie Martin: It went well. I got called back for a second interview, and I start working at the hospital on Monday. I just got the offer this morning.

Detective Murphy: Congratulations. We need to go over a few things with you.

Natalie Martin: I'll answer the best I can, but I have to warn you, I will not answer any questions about Richard Landrigan.

Detective Armstrong: Why not?

Natalie Martin: I have been advised by counsel not to.

Detective Armstrong: You hired an attorney?

Natalie Martin: There's no law against that, is there?

Detective Armstrong: No, there isn't.

Detective Murphy: You told us last time that you called Margery Adams when you quit Yoknapatawpha Acres.

Natalie Martin: Yes.

Detective Murphy: Did you call the families of any other patients?

Natalie Martin: No.

Detective Murphy: Why is that?

Natalie Martin: Because I ran out of time. After I quit, I only had a few minutes before they hustled me out of there. Margery's number was the only one I had a chance to get.

Detective Armstrong: Did you know that Margery took Rose to an independent doctor?

Natalie Martin: I did not, but I'm glad she did.

Detective Armstrong: According to his findings, Rose hadn't been cared for properly for quite some time. That would include while you were still employed there.

Natalie Martin: I couldn't be everywhere and do everything.

Detective Murphy: Please, you don't have to get loud with us. You seem to have a rather quick temper.

Natalie Martin: I apologize. It's just that I worked with a bunch of lazy, uncaring people. I could tell them what should be done—even show them a hundred times how to do it—but I couldn't make them do it.

Detective Armstrong: You worked at Yoknapatawpha Acres for a good while. Was it like that the whole time you were there?

Natalie Martin: Well, the standard of excellence was never as high as it was at the hospital, but things had gotten worse recently.

Detective Armstrong: Do you know why?

Natalie Martin: I don't think my lawyer would want me to answer that.

Detective Armstrong: Can you tell us how long this decline has been going on?

Natalie Martin: I can't pinpoint it for you, but it might be safe to assume it was over the last year or so. That's all I can say without my lawyer present.

Detective Murphy: Let's talk about something a little different then. Do you know Matt Hooper?

Natalie Martin: The oxygen delivery fellow? Sure.

Detective Murphy: Do you know if there was any sort of relationship between him and Jerry?

Natalie Martin: Well, they were thick as thieves there for a while, but not as much recently.

Detective Murphy: Do you know what happened?

Natalie Martin: No. I never had time for gossip and personal nonsense. I'm sure someone else at the Acres can tell you.

Detective Murphy: Was Matt friendly with anyone else at the Acres?

Natalie Martin: I saw him chatting with Lillie quite a few times, but I don't know if they're going out together or just flirting.

Detective Murphy: Anybody else?

Natalie Martin: It's possible, but I have no idea. I only saw him a few minutes a week, if that.

Detective Armstrong: You sure you won't change your mind and talk to us about Richard Landrigan?

Natalie Martin: I'm sorry. I really can't.

Detective Armstrong: Okay, then. Thank you for coming in. I have a feeling some other people will be wanting to talk to you about him soon enough.

Interview ended – 3:24 p.m.