Body scene evidence analysis


REPORT DATE: 9/14/2024

Andrew Needham, FTEE
Jackson Laboratory
Jackson, MS 39205
601-987-XXXX (FAX 601-987-XXXX)

Analysis: Serology; Latent Print Examination; Trace Evidence Analysis

Case #: 004745-12I-2024

Case Description: Jerry Shaw death investigation

Investigative Agency: Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department

Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy, Det. T. Armstrong


Summary of Preliminary Evidence Analysis

Evidence # and Description


Click image to enlarge
004745-01: One (1) 8-ounce paper cup, white with flower decoration Two (2) partial latent fingerprints recovered from the exterior of the cup unidentified.

Residue recovered inside cup spectroscopically identified as vodka.

Negative for human blood.
004745-02: One (1) Shipley Do-Nuts receipt Two (2) partial latent fingerprints identified as consistent with Jerry Shaw; one (1) partial latent fingerprint unidentified.

Negative for human blood.
004745-03: One (1) sample of organic material recovered southeast of the victim's left foot Substance consistent with bread with traces of a tomato-based substance consistent with ketchup
004745-04: One (1) sample of organic material recovered southeast of the victim's left foot Substance consistent with ground beef with traces of substances consistent with bread and pickles
004745-05: One (1) cell phone Three (3) full and partial latent fingerprints identified as consistent with Jerry Shaw.

Negative for human blood.
004745-06: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the east side of the dumpster Unidentified
004745-07: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the east side of the dumpster Unidentified
004745-08: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the east side of the dumpster Identified as consistent with Joseph Wilson
004745-09: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the east side of the dumpster Identified as consistent with Joseph Wilson
004745-10: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the east side of the dumpster Unidentified
004745-11: One (1) partial latent fingerprint recovered from the east side of the dumpster Identified as consistent with Jerry Shaw