Sandra Moss bio

Sandra Moss, 39, was born in Knoxville, Tennessee. Growing up, she was very close to her family, including her brother, Mark, who now lives in Nashville.

Sandra's father, Milo Moss, was a dentist who often took a young Sandra to work with him. While he worked, she would play in the office. Dr. Moss's receptionist taught Sandra how to work with the patient's files, and Sandra, in turn, taught the receptionist what she had learned at school. This play at teaching was instrumental in Sandra deciding what career she would pursue later in life.

Sandra attended public schools in Knoxville and obtained her undergraduate degree from the University of Tennessee before marrying her husband, David Sanders, 15 years ago. After spending their honeymoon in Paris, the couple moved to Oxford, Mississippi, where Sandra worked as a teacher, and David practiced law.

Sandra is now a senior project manager for the Division of Outreach and Continuing Education at the University of Mississippi. In addition to teaching and coordinating curricula, Sandra organizes the annual Barksdale Literature Conference.

At the Barksdale Literature Conference, held in the Yocona Room at the Yoknapatawpha County Conference Center in Oxford this year, Sandra's special events assistant, Diane Coates, collapsed and was rushed to the hospital.

Sandra had often complained to David about Diane Coates. She told him that Diane wanted Sandra's job but was totally incompetent and unqualified for it. Sandra claimed that Diane constantly grumbled about the way Sandra organized events.