Balding man with glasses and dark facial hair

Rolf Warner was born in Alpen, Germany, on July 11, 1986. Before coming to the United States, Warner lived in Duisburg in western Germany. In November 2023, Warner entered the U.S. in Atlanta, Georgia, and was issued a temporary work permit, which indicates he expected to stay in the country for an extended period working for a video game development company in Atlanta.

A check of local hotels indicates that Warner checked into the Rebel Inn motel on Wednesday, March 11, 2024, with two companions, Gus Heller and Lita Harrison. The trio had not checked out at the time of Warner's death. The reason Warner and his friends were visiting Oxford is not known at this time, but further investigation is expected to uncover that information.

Among the items found on Warner's body were a Rebel Inn room key, a German-issued passport, various credit cards, and a loaded handgun.



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