Victim's hotel room phone records


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 001995-01E-2021
Case Description: Barbara Dubois homicide investigation

The following phone record lists incoming and outgoing calls from Barbara Dubois' hotel room at the YCCC (Room # 203) from the date she checked in (April 25, 2021) to the date her body was discovered (May 1, 2021).

Because the YCCC provides voice mail for its guests, all incoming calls remaining on the line until the voice mail activated are recorded as completed calls. The name associated with each call indicates only the location or account name that each call was placed to or from but does not verify the caller's identity.

DateIn / OutTimeNumberNameDuration (mins)
04/25 IN 5:09 PM 662-234-XXXX Pay Phone
1700 Belk Boulevard
04/25 IN 6:23 PM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 201 2
04/25 OUT 6:31 PM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 212 1
04/25 IN 9:44 PM 662-232-XXXX M. Jones 11
04/26 IN 6:02 AM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 201 3
04/26 IN 6:37 PM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 206 7
04/26 OUT 6:49 PM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 212 4
04/26 IN 7:55 PM 662-234-XXXX Pay Phone
1700 Belk Boulevard
04/26 IN 9:37 PM 662-232-XXXX M. Jones 18
04/26 OUT 10:24 PM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 212 15
04/27 IN 5:59 AM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 201 2
04/27 IN 7:07 AM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 206 4
04/27 IN 6:53 PM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 209 3
04/27 OUT 8:12 PM 662-232-XXXX M. Jones 13
04/28 IN 6:00 AM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 201 2
04/28 IN 1:36 PM 662-234-XXXX Village Tailor 1
04/28 IN 9:38 PM 662-234-XXXX Pay Phone
1700 Belk Boulevard
04/28 OUT 9:41 PM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 212 27
04/28 OUT 10:12 PM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 206 4
04/29 IN 5:58 AM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 201 3
04/29 IN 8:41 PM 662-232-XXXX M. Jones 6
04/30 IN 5:57 AM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 201 2
04/30 IN 4:22 PM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 247 3
04/30 IN 9:34 PM 662-234-XXXX Pay Phone
1700 Belk Boulevard
04/30 IN 11:11 PM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 247 2
04/30 IN 11:39 PM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 235 1
05/01 IN 12:57 AM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 243 1
05/01 IN 6:01 AM 662-238-XXXX YCCC Room 201 1



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