Murder Under Glass

Was Hoyt killed because of his controversial reality show, his shady past, or his tricky personal life?

All Stabbed Up

A convention center employee discovered the bloody body of Elvis Presley expert Jared Plunk.

Deadly Sins

Despite signs suggesting suicide, investigators weren't convinced that Kristi Waterson died by her own hand.

Rah Rah Die

High school cheerleader Katy Brown was found murdered in the woods near a middle school.

Parting Shot

Veteran detective Charles Tatum was found dead in his home of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Secret Sauce

Restaurateur Devlin Beauchamp was found bludgeoned to death in his bathtub.

Fatal Reaction

Despite initial indications that Veronica Smith died by suicide, detectives and her family weren't convinced.

Close to Home

Homeowners Association president Ambrose Garrett was found dead at the community center hours after the HOA meeting ended.

Santa's Slay

A co-worker found Jackson dead of unknown causes next to a Christmas tree.

Pushed Too Far

Kimberly Pace was found dead in her home by people who had come for brunch.

Sum of the Parts

A motel maid found a human finger in a guest's room, and the guest was missing.

Mean Teen

When people saw Alyx floating in her family's pool, they first thought it was a prank.

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Forensic Science Kit, Missy Hammond Murder

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