Victor Jennings phone calls

Investigators obtained Victor Jennings' phone call activity for the days leading up to his death.

Hollywood comes to town

The Oxford Weekly Planet reports a Hollywood power couple recently arrived in town.

Thomas Eldon interview

The detectives asked Victor's attorney about the civil and criminal legal matters Victor was facing.

Thomas Eldon bio

Thomas is an Oxford native, a Harvard graduate, and a prominent local attorney.

Margaret Jennings interview

The detectives talked to Victor's mother to learn more about him and his relationships.

Margaret Jennings bio

Margaret married her college sweetheart, and they divided responsibility for raising their two boys.

Brad Jennings interview

The detectives spoke to Brad, who was one of the few people close to Victor.

Brad Jennings bio

Victor's father is a lifelong Oxonian with a colorful history.

Crime scene evidence

CSU provided a preliminary inventory of evidence collected in the Victor Jennings death investigation.

Literary agent found dead

The Crime Beat reports: Controversial book broker dead

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