Audio transcript

Investigators transcribed a portion of an audio recording potentially relevant to the Zoe Chase homicide.

Evidence inventory - crime scene

CSU provided an inventory of evidence collected at the scene of Zoe Chase's homicide.

Dani Bonner interview

The detectives returned to the Bonner residence a little later to talk to Dani.

Dani Bonner bio

Dani and Zoe were best friends from the day they met until the day Zoe died.

Ed Bonner interview

The detectives visited the Bonner residence and spoke to Ed, the only one home at the time.

Ed Bonner bio

Ed has never been happier since he married vivacious Dani, and they had twin girls.

Mallory Benson interview

Detective Murphy spoke to Zoe's friend and fellow writer, Mallory.

Mallory Benson bio

A founding member of the Oxford Writers Circle, Mallory has published several books with modest success.

Peggy LeClaire interview

Detective Armstrong asked Peggy about her business and personal relationships with Zoe.

Peggy LeClaire bio

Peggy grew up in Michigan and moved to Oxford after college.

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