Laurie voicemail message


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 005533-26J-2024
Case Description: Laurie Daniels homicide investigation

Callie Shivers provided the detectives with a copy of the voicemail message she received from Laurie Daniels on August 27, 2024.

On August 25, 2024, Laurie Daniels called Callie Shivers and asked her for a ride from the Memphis International Airport to Oxford the following week. However, two days later, on August 27, 2024, Daniels left an angry message on Shivers' voicemail, telling her she didn't need a ride and didn't want to see her.

"I really just forgot about it after that," Shivers told the detectives during her interview. "I mean, I have a career and a life I'm trying to live. I kept thinking, I don't have time to worry about some fair-weather friend and her family problems."

Listen to the voicemail message:



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Comments (4)
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she never even ended the message it was left in the middle of a sentence. what could she not believe ? has anyone ever found out that answer or thought of this scenario?
Detective Masha The Baddie
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Listening to the voice mail she left. Laurie seems angry and or upset about something, maybe Callie did something thats made Laurie feel un confutable .

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I think it sounds like Callie insisted on picking her up, not that Laurie had asked her to. I also think the last part sounds cut off, "I can't believe you..."
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The question that I would have is:- What was said in the previous telephone conversation between them that made Laurie so upset that she sent the angry message 2 day's later and say's, I can't believe you!
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