K-9 Unit report


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 005533-26J-2024 / 005733-04K-2024
Case Description: Laurie Daniels homicide investigation / Arson and homicide investigation, Daniels residence

Investigators employed cadaver dogs to determine whether any human remains were present on the Daniels property. The Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department does not have any K-9 teams trained in locating human remains, so the Lee County (MS) Sheriff's Department cooperated with the YCSD to provide two of their K-9 teams for a search of the property.

The Lee County Sheriff's K-9 Unit submitted the following report on the search results to Detectives Armstrong and Murphy after the completion of the search efforts.

Forensic Evidence/Body Recovery
Summary Report

Lee County (MS) Sheriff's Department
510 N Commerce Street * Tupelo, Mississippi 38801 * (662)841-XXXX

Report Date: 



Search #: 



Requesting Agency: 

 Yoknapatawpha County (MS) Sheriff's Department

Agency Address: 

 711 Jackson Avenue E
 Oxford, MS

Case #: 


Agency Contact Name: 

 Detective Sam Murphy

Phone #: 



Search Location: 

 1315 Mesquite Drive, Oxford, MS

Search Date(s): 

 11/7/2024, 11/8/2024

K-9 Team Members: 

 Officer Ellen Bigelow & K-9 Mike
 Officer Barry Caruthers & K-9 Duke

Total Hours Searched: 


Total Search Area Size: 

 2.39 acres

Narrative of Search Effort:

After consulting with Detectives Murphy and Armstrong about the search requirements, it was decided to use a combination of free search and grid search approaches to cover the target search area. The search was conducted over a period of two days with two K-9 teams.


Team leader met with representatives of the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department at the search location to scout the area and develop a search plan.

Search day #1 began at 8:00 a.m. at the search location. Dogs were acclimated and commenced the search. Search efforts focused on the main grounds including buildings and outbuildings, and the immediately surrounding wooded area to the north.

A passive alert was reported during the search day in the vicinity of the pool house, but the second team did not confirm the alert nor was any source of the alert located. The alert was classified as false.

Search efforts were terminated for the day at 6:00 p.m.


Search day #2 began at 8:00 a.m. at the search location. Dogs were acclimated and commenced the search. Search efforts focused on the wooded area abutting the main grounds to the north.

A passive alert was reported at 10:47 a.m. approximately 117 feet NNE of the pool house. The second team confirmed the alert and the location was marked for follow up by CSU and the Coroner's Office. The alert was classified as true.

A second passive alert was reported at 1:22 p.m. approximately 98 feet NE of the pool house, but the other team did not confirm the alert nor was any source of the alert located. The alert was classified as false.

A third passive alert was reported at 4:30 p.m. approximately 225 feet NNW of the pool house. The second team confirmed the alert and the location was marked for follow up by CSU and the Coroner's Office. The alert was classified as true.

Search efforts were terminated at 6:15 p.m.

The entire target search area had been completely covered at the end of search day #2 and the search was terminated. The opinion of the K-9 Unit is that human remains are present in two locations on the property searched: 117 feet NNE of the pool house and 225 feet NNW of the pool house.

Items Found:

Two positive alerts — 117 feet NNE of the pool house and 225 feet NNW of the pool house. Both locations pending excavation and examination by Yoknapatawpha County CSU and Coroner's Office personnel.

Areas of Interest:

The grounds surrounding the residence and outbuildings; the outbuilding known as the pool house; the wooded area north of the residence and pool house.

Areas Not Covered:


Report Submitted by: Officer Kevin Blount, Canine Team Leader



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