Skeptical-looking young woman with long hair

Shiloh Bates

Shiloh Bates interview #2

Sunday, October 22, 2023 – 9:30 a.m.

Shiloh Bates is a student at Ole Miss and a former resident of the 24/7 live stream show, Under Glass: The Study of Generation Z in the Real.

Detectives Beckwith and Magee re-interviewed her at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.


  • Detective P. Beckwith
  • Detective J. Magee
  • Shiloh Bates

Detective Beckwith: Please state your name and address for the record.

Shiloh Bates: Shiloh Bates, and I still live at 1021 Molly Barr Road.

Detective Beckwith: Thank you for coming in today, Miss Bates. We just have a few follow-up questions.

Shiloh Bates: I don't know anything else. I already told you everything.

Detective Magee: Miss Bates, did you ever go into the equipment shed in the backyard of the Under Glass House?

Shiloh Bates: No. I told you. That was strictly off-limits.

Detective Beckwith: Can you identify this?

Shiloh Bates: Yes, it's a thong.

Detective Magee: Does it belong to you?

Shiloh Bates: I don't think so. I only part with my undergarments when I autograph them and sell them to my fans.

Detective Magee: This has been identified as belonging to you. Are you sure it's not yours?

Shiloh Bates: I guess it could be mine. Why?

Detective Beckwith: And you've never been in the shed?

Shiloh Bates: No. I've never been in the shed. Never. Why do you keep asking me about the shed?

Detective Magee: Because someone saw you go in the shed, and this thong was found in the shed. Now, think carefully.

Shiloh Bates: Oh, my God! I have never been in the shed! How did it get in there? I am so creeped out right now. That perv Hoyt must've taken it. He's so disgusting!

Detective Beckwith: Why would you think Mr. Biffle took it?

Shiloh Bates: He was obsessed with me. That's why he was so upset about me and Wyatt, truthfully. One time, he asked if he could have something of mine. I thought he was joking, so I just played it off.

Detective Magee: When could he have taken it?

Shiloh Bates: Any time! It's his house!

Detective Magee: Did he make it a practice to go into the house?

Shiloh Bates: Look. The guy was basically making porn, okay? If he slipped a pair of my sexy undies in his pocket on a walk-through with a handyman, whatever. I'm telling you, he was obsessed with me.

Detective Beckwith: You're sure it was Mr. Biffle? What about Kenny?

Shiloh Bates: Kenny never bothered me.

Detective Magee: How much contact did you have with Kenny?

Shiloh Bates: None. He wasn't allowed to fraternize with the residents. I barely knew the guy.

Detective Beckwith: Did he ever come into the house?

Shiloh Bates: Never. He kept to himself. He was respectful, not like Hoyt.

Detective Magee: Where were you on Wednesday between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.?

Shiloh Bates: Detective, I was at home shooting a video with Wyatt. That's where I was. I can't prove it other than Wyatt and I were together.

Detective Beckwith: Together at your home?

Shiloh Bates: Yes. At home. You saw us there, and you saw what we'd been doing.

Detective Magee: Okay, Miss Bates. If you can think of any way to confirm that, other than through Mr. Yancey, please let us know.

Shiloh Bates: Is that all? I'm not sure why you asked me back here just to tell you what I already told you, so can I go now?

Detective Magee: Just one thing. We'll need that video you were making with Mr. Yancey on the evening of our first interview.

Shiloh Bates: What? Why? There's nothing on it that's evidence for Hoyt's murder. That's my intellectual property, and I'm not giving it up to people who want a free show.

Detective Beckwith: Actually, since you have no alibi other than Mr. Yancey, who is not the most reliable confirmation of your whereabouts, the embedded date and time code on the video could serve as confirmation—for both of you.

Shiloh Bates: Fine. As long as you agree to pull the alibi information and not watch the whole thing. And no copies, either. And no sharing with your buddies.

Detective Magee: No problem. Thank you, you can go now. We'll be in touch if we need any further clarification on anything.

Interview ended – 9:47 a.m.




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