Katherine Dixon bio
Katherine Jacqueline Dixon was born to Valentine Delacroix Dixon and Carl Dean Dixon on March 17, 2001. Though a month premature and with a birth weight of 4.75 pounds, she grew into a healthy, precocious child who managed to endear herself to any and all who met her.
In 2005, when Kat was just four years old, her mother died after an extended illness. Though Kat keeps an album of photographs of Valentine and wears her mother's wedding ring on a chain around her neck, she has no clear memories of her mother, which has always saddened her.
A year after her mother's death, a man attempted to kidnap her from a neighborhood playground by telling her he had a puppy in his car she could play with. Kat loved puppies and went with the man willingly. Fortunately, her father caught this man leading his daughter away from the swings and was able to wrestle Kat away from him. In the process of saving Kat, Carl broke the abductor's arm—a minor punishment, most people thought, for what he had tried to do.
Kat herself wasn't aware of the danger she was in, so she was more frightened by the fight between the man and her father than she was by the man's attempt to lure her away. Today, Kat remembers few details from the incident, but it has affected her life ever since. Her father enrolled her in self-defense classes as soon as she was old enough and insists she take a refresher course every year to keep her skills sharp.
Since she became a teenager, Kat has complained about Carl's overly protective ways. In high school, she claimed he'd scared away her boyfriends and made some of her friends' parents nervous about letting their kids visit the Dixon house. But for all her griping, she and her father are very close and adore one another. "At least I know one human being who truly loves me," she says of her father.
When Kat was accepted to Ole Miss, the negotiations began about where Kat would live—in a dorm or with her father. Finally, Kat agreed to live at home with the understanding that she would sometimes stay with friends on campus, and Carl would not ask too many questions or insist on "interviewing" them first.
It's no secret that Kat recently developed a romantic interest in Devlin Beauchamp. She asked several people at Home Plate, including Devlin's ex-girlfriend Mickie Webster, to help her get Devlin interested in her, though, by all accounts, Devlin didn't return Kat's affections. The news of his death devastated her. She has told friends she plans to write a play about Devlin Beauchamp, his untimely death, and their unrealized love.
Currently, Kat is a senior at Ole Miss. She has changed her major many times, but she is expected to graduate in the Spring with a B.A. in drama. She works part-time as a waitress at Home Plate and is the third baseman for the restaurant's softball team.