David Ledford personnel file


Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy. Det. E. Parker
Incident No.: 003016-16F-2024
Case Description: Monica Drum homicide investigation

The Oxford Eagle provided the personnel files of their recently terminated employees. The summary page below provides an overview of David Ledford's employment at the Eagle.

* Confidential * For Personnel Use Only * Confidential *

Oxford Eagle Employee File


Employee Name:  David Ledford
Hire Date:  July 15, 2022
Termination Date:  February 29, 2024

Employee Information
Date of Birth:  10/30/1997 Social Security #:  313-XX-XXXX
Address:  412 N. 14th, Oxford MS
Telephone:  662-550-XXXX Alt. Telephone:  662-816-XXXX (cell)
Emergency Information
Notify in Emergency:  Doreen Ledford Relationship:  Wife
Emergency Address:  same as above
Emergency Telephone:  same as above Alt. Telephone:  662-232-XXXX (W)
Employee Prior History
Previous Employer:  Monroe Building Supply, Monroe LA
Education:  B.S. Physical Education, Northeast Louisiana University, Monroe, LA

Eagle Employment Record

Action Taken:Date:Notes:
 Hire  07/15/2022  Position – Apprentice Pressman; Starting Salary – $28,000
 Promotion  01/16/2023  6-month review; promoted to Pressman; increase to $32,200
 WC Claim  04/24/2023  Back injury; claim paid
 Warning  06/16/2023  Over 30 minutes late to work twice in prior week
 COLA Raise  07/14/2023  Annual review; pay increase, COLA only, to $35,000
 Reprimand  08/18/2023  Failure to report to work, 08/17/2023
 Warning  10/20/2023  Over 30 minutes late to work twice in prior week
 Commendation  11/17/2023  Extraordinary effort to meet deadline
 Bonus  11/17/2023  $250 for extra deadline work
 Reprimand  12/08/2023  Failure to report to work, 12/07/2023
 Review  01/18/2024  6-month review; employee must improve attendance
 Warning  02/12/2024  Over 30 minutes late to work twice in prior week
 Termination  02/29/2024  Excessive lateness and failure to report

Please refer to file contents for details and supporting documents.


AA - Affirmative Action
ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
COLA - Cost of Living Adjustment
CTS - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
DOL - Department of Labor
EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
FWH - Federal Withholding Tax
PLI - Professional Liability Insurance
RSD - Repetitive Stress Disorder
WC - Workman's Compensation



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