Delilah Garrett interview
Monday, March 6, 2023 – 12:28 a.m.
Detectives Murphy and Armstrong left the crime scene and went to Baptist Memorial Hospital to interview Delilah Garrett and inform her of her husband's death.
The floor supervisor paged Mrs. Garrett and arranged for the detectives to meet with Mrs. Garrett in the supervisor's office.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Delilah Garrett
Delilah Garrett: I'm Delilah Garrett. My supervisor said you wished to speak to me.
Detective Murphy: Yes, Mrs. Garrett. We'd like to record this conversation if you agree. I'm Detective Murphy, and this is Detective Armstrong. We're with the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
Delilah Garrett: Yes, all right, but why— what's going on?
Detective Murphy: Have you spoken to your husband this evening?
Delilah Garrett: Yes. I talked to Ambrose before I left for work and tried to call him at home later to tell him I'd be working another shift. Why? Has something happened?
Detective Murphy: Do you have reason to think something happened?
Delilah Garrett: I don't know. I couldn't reach Ambrose after the meeting, so I called Julie Arbuckle and asked her if she'd go over to the community center since she lives real close and see if he was still there. But I haven't— she hasn't— oh God. Something has happened. What's wrong? Where is he? Is he all right?
Detective Armstrong: Mrs. Garrett, perhaps you'd like to sit down.
Delilah Garrett: Sit down? Oh no. Just tell me! Tell me what's wrong. Has there been an accident? Is he hurt? Did he get sick? Where is he?
Detective Armstrong: I'm sorry, Mrs. Garrett. There's no easy way to say this. I'm afraid he's dead.
Delilah Garrett: Dead? Are you crazy? It can't be. Dead? He was fine when he left the house. He was at the homeowners' association meeting. What could happen at a meeting? There must be some mistake. Is this some horrible, cruel joke?
Detective Murphy: No, Mrs. Garrett, it is not a joke or a mistake.
Delilah Garrett: How? Where? I talked to Julie on the phone. He was fine at the meeting, she said. He stayed after to lock up. She was going back to tell him I'm working late. Oh no. It just can't be. What happened?
Detective Murphy: We don't know, Mrs. Garrett. We were hoping you could give us an idea. How was his health? Had he been ill lately or taking any medication?
Delilah Garrett: No, he was in good health. Maybe a bit overweight, but nothing serious. He's just had a physical recently, and everything was fine for a man his age. I just can't believe this.
Detective Armstrong: Do you know what his plans were following the meeting?
Delilah Garrett: No, no, no! I don't want to talk about this anymore. I have to see him. Where have you taken him? My poor Ambrose. Oh God, is he really gone? Please take me to him. I have to see him.
Detective Armstrong: We'll drive you, Mrs. Garrett. We'll need you to identify him officially. And you should know that an autopsy must be conducted.
Delilah Garrett: Oh no. Oh. Can we go? Can we just go, please?
Detective Armstrong: Yes, ma'am, but we will need to talk to you again soon. Is there anyone you'd like to have there with you?
Delilah Garrett: Maybe the hospital chaplain would go with me. Norman. Norman Sutter. The nurse at the desk will locate him for us. Oh, and I have to make arrangements to have someone cover my shift for me.
Detective Murphy: Don't worry about that. We spoke to the floor supervisor before we talked with you, and she's taking care of it.
Delilah Garrett: Oh, thank you. Just let me get my purse.
Interview ended – 12:41 a.m.