Victor Jennings bio

Brad and Margaret Jennings welcomed their first-born son into the world forty-seven years ago on March 15. Brad was incredibly proud of Victor and took him everywhere to show him off.

As Victor was growing up, he was spoiled rotten by both parents, especially his father. From the beginning, Brad groomed Victor to inherit the family fortune Brad's father had built.

Whenever Brad couldn't get something Victor wanted, Victor would charm and scheme anyone and everyone until he got it. No one was spared from his ruthless pursuit of what he desired, not even his younger brother, Raymond.

When the boys were young, they got along fine, but as they got older, Victor began to believe his mother favored Raymond over him, which he didn't like. He distanced himself from both Margaret and Raymond, and by the time he graduated from high school, Victor's only close tie was with his father.

When Brad was diagnosed with terminal cancer, he made out a will leaving $1 apiece to Margaret and Raymond and everything else to Victor, including his most prized family heirloom: a music box Brad's grandfather received from Franklin Delano Roosevelt. When Margaret and Raymond learned about the terms of Brad's will, it drove the family even further apart.

Early in his career as a literary agent, Victor hired Thomas J. Eldon III as his attorney. Over the years, the two formed a kind of partnership, each ensuring the other had ample opportunities to get rich.

Thomas Eldon introduced Victor to his high-profile clients, some of whom hired Victor to represent their books, including Mr. and Mrs. Hollywood, Michael and Samantha Hawke. In turn, Victor kept Eldon busy with plenty of legal work.

Many people sued Victor, from public figures who didn't like how they were portrayed in the books he represented to clients who claimed he'd included unauthorized information in their books.

Eldon made sure none of the lawsuits ever went to trial. Some were settled out of court, reportedly for pennies on the dollar of the original damages sought. Others were dropped altogether.

Victor also had brushes with the law from time to time, like when he was accused of supplying alcohol to some college girls and then sexually assaulting them. Eldon always handled any allegations, and no charges were ever filed.

Over the years, there was a great deal of speculation about how Victor always managed to wiggle out of trouble and how he became so wealthy. A possible answer to both questions came when the FBI arrested Victor on extortion charges involving Michael and Samantha Hawke.

Victor was on house arrest awaiting trial when his assistant, Lee Merryweather, found him dead in his kitchen.


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