Brad Jennings bio
Brad Jennings, 69, was born in Oxford, Mississippi. His father was too busy to go to the hospital that day, and as the years passed, Brad would discover that his father was more interested in building an empire than in his family.
As a small child, Brad never wanted to leave his mother's side, but he grew out of that when his brother was born. Growing up, Brad had a generous allowance, but he was never satisfied. In school, he found he could make some extra money by threatening to beat up students that he knew would never fight back and would give him anything he wanted. As a result, Brad wasn't popular, but his peers always showed him respect.
While in college, Brad fell in love with Margaret Norman. They were opposites, but she was attracted to him, too, and they married before either of them finished their degrees. The couple had two boys: Victor and Raymond.
After Brad graduated from Ole Miss, he went into the family business with his father, but he soon grew restless, claiming it wasn't exciting enough for him. People allege that Brad started threatening small business owners and forcing them to turn over a share of their earnings. However he managed it, Brad's wealth and reputation as a bully grew, and he enjoyed every minute of it.
Brad has been arrested several times over the course of his life, but the cases rarely made it to trial. Witnesses would recant or move away, and prosecutors would have no choice but to drop the charges. Brad was locked up twice on misdemeanor charges but never ended up with more than a few months in the county jail.
When Brad's doctors told him that he was dying of cancer, he updated his will, leaving everything, including the treasured family heirloom music box, to his eldest son, Victor. Brad cut out his wife and younger son entirely and without explanation. Those who knew about the terms of the will couldn't understand why Brad had disinherited Margaret and Raymond, but Brad refused to discuss it with anyone.
About a year later, Brad added a codicil to his will specifying that Victor should provide for Margaret's basic necessities for as long as she lived. Still, he gave no explanation for his decision or his apparent, if partial, change of heart.
Once he had everything in order, Brad told friends he was looking forward to death because of all the pain he was suffering.