Zina Jacinto bio

Zina, 70, was born to Daniel and Mamie Jacinto. Within days of her birth, her father lost his job. Work was hard to find. Daniel did odd jobs to keep food on the table but struggled to pay all the bills every month.

Mamie attended church regularly with Zina and sometimes Daniel. Her faith and her friends in the congregation gave Mamie the strength to make it through the hard times. But those same hard times made Daniel lose his faith, and eventually, he stopped going to church. His rejection of the church put more strain on the already-difficult marriage, and when Zina was six, Daniel took off.

Without Daniel's income, what had been a hardscrabble existence for the Jacinto family became even worse. Mamie took on multiple low-paying jobs, relying on her church friends to look after Zina. The long hours and hard physical work took their toll on Mamie, and just three years after Daniel left, she died from complications due to pneumonia.

The church members took in the now-orphaned Zina, but she never stayed with any of them longer than six months. They found her hypervigilance, sensitive temperament, and frequent health complaints challenging to deal with.

Everything changed when Zina moved in with John and Mary Skeleton, an older couple who never had children. They quickly fell in love with Zina, and after several years of living as a family, the Skeletons decided to adopt her officially. Unfortunately, before the adoption was finalized, John and Mary were killed when they pulled into the path of an oncoming truck at a busy intersection.

The Skeletons had already made Zina the sole beneficiary of their life insurance policy, naming Mary's brother Joseph as trustee until Zina turned 18. When she came of age, Zina received the Skeletons' home and property, along with more than enough money to support her for the rest of her life.

Joseph still checked in on Zina regularly and tried to help her as much as she'd let him, but Zina kept him at arm's length, and he never really understood her odd behavior. When Joseph passed away 12 years ago, his son Joey took over looking after "Cousin Zina."

Once Zina started living alone, she became increasingly eccentric. Other than the church services and activities she attended several times a week, Zina didn't socialize much. She preferred the company of cats, feeding and adopting any strays who crossed her path.

Initially, Zina's residence was fairly isolated, but over the years, other houses were built all around her property, surrounding her with strangers. She closely monitored her neighbors, especially the ones nearby, and reported any activities she deemed unusual to the sheriff's department. Her most frequent target was her neighbor across the street, Victor Jennings, and she contacted the authorities about him many times.




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