Kristin Colby bio

Kristin Colby was born January 19, 1999, in south Mississippi. Her family moved to Jackson, Mississippi, where she attended school. While in junior high, Kristin began entering into beauty contests where she regularly placed. Kristin's grades remained only average because she spent most of her time preparing for a career in fashion modeling.

Her extracurricular activities at school included cheerleading, drama club, Students Against Destructive Decisions, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Kristin was active in her local church and participated in bake sales and other fundraisers.

After high school, Kristin enrolled at the University of Mississippi, where she is currently working toward a BFA in Acting. She and her roommate, Terri Smith, have been best friends since the first day they met freshman year. They both dream of becoming successful models and hobnobbing with big-name celebrities.

Kristin works part-time for Village Tailor on the Square, where she also models for the store's advertisements that run in local newspapers and magazines. She has also done other modeling work for different independently-owned clothing stores and has traveled to Memphis many times for go-sees, cattle calls, and auditions as well as modeling gigs.

She says her career dream is modeling, but acquaintances claim she just wants to be famous. She follows celebrities' exploits in the gossip blogs and Hollywood industry publications, and dreams of ways she can get her own name in them too.

Kristin's friends describe her as charismatic and outgoing, and she has a reputation for enjoying herself in bars on the Square and parties on and off campus. At the beginning of her senior year, she met Victor Jennings, who had connections in the entertainment industry and offered to help Kristin and Terri with their modeling careers. The roommates attended quite a few reportedly-wild parties at his house, but they abruptly stopped going a few months ago and haven't been back since.

In spite of a colorful social life, Kristin manages to maintain average grades in her classes at Ole Miss. Professors describe her as "not reaching her potential." Her schoolwork is never early and often late, and some of her professors suspect it's done by someone else entirely.

Outside of class, Kristin is very often seen surrounded by young men, and she obviously enjoys the attention. The guys who know Kristin describe her as "hot," "fun," and "the kind of chick you want with you on a Friday night." The girls who know her call her "ambitious," "pretty," and "intimidating."


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