Desperate Hours gigs
Alibi check – Floyd
YCSD investigators spoke to supporters of Axyl Floyd's band Desolate Hours in an effort to confirm Axyl's alibi for the first week of January 2021.
The interviews summarized are some of the most typical or relevant to the investigation and are representative of all the interviews conducted.
Alexis 'Lexi' Arant
Age 18, Axyl Floyd's girlfriend
Lexi Arant reported that she and Axyl drove up to Memphis on January 2nd in Axyl's old Chevy Silverado in preparation for two shows at the New Daisy Theatre. Lexi said that Axyl did not take his motorcycle because he had some of his band's gear to move in his truck.
Lexi said the two of them first drove to the New Daisy to drop off the equipment. Axyl and Lexi were the first members of the band or crew to check in at the Crowne Plaza in downtown Memphis on the evening of the 2nd.
On the morning of January 3rd, the members of the band all rode down to the New Daisy together in Beckett Steele's minivan so they had only one vehicle at the venue. That evening, Lexi watched Axyl open for the band No Quarter for the Dying. They returned to the Crowne Plaza at approximately 2:00 a.m.
Lexi said the band stayed in Memphis on the 4th, relaxing at the hotel or carousing on Second Street and Beale Street. On the morning of the 5th, they repeated their concert day routine, driving Steele's van to the New Daisy to open for Intervals of Sanity. Lexi watched that show from backstage as she did two nights prior, but had to wait with the crew for the post-show meet-and-greet to end. They all returned to the Crowne Plaza to sleep around 4:00 a.m.
In the late morning of the 6th, Lexi recounted that she and Axyl drove back to the New Daisy to pick up Axyl's gear in his Silverado and returned to Oxford. At no time did she or Axyl go to Memphis airport.
Oswalt "Oz" Dacosta
Age 48, Intervals of Sanity tour manager
Oz Dacosta is the tour manager for the Boston-area doom metal band Intervals of Sanity. He only recently met Axyl Floyd and the members of Desolate Hours for the purpose of finding a local opener for this band.
Discouraged about the lack of talent and stature of the metal acts in the Memphis area, Oz said he settled for Axyl's Oxford foursome. According to Oz, Desolate Hours was a paint-by-numbers sort of outfit, bereft of originality or creativity, but they looked the part onstage, and for him, that was all that really mattered for the opening slot.
Oz mentioned that whenever he was at the New Daisy on Saturday, Axyl was there, preparing for the show, which isn't always the case for some opening acts whose members usually spend the daylight hours drunk or high or both.
Oz does remember granting backstage passes for numerous individuals, though he doesn't keep name lists for the passes from show to show. He did see Axyl for the entirety of the post-show meet-and-greet. Axyl had plenty to drink at that point and had girls all over him. Oz remembered thinking that Axyl should enjoy the moment because, in Oz's opinion, this was as good as life was going to get for the young hack.
Mia Passman
Age 27, Crowne Plaza receptionist
Mia Passman is one of several receptionists at the Crowne Plaza Memphis Downtown. She was working late afternoon and night shifts at the hotel from January 1st through the 4th. Mia checked in the crew and members of Desolate Hours along with Lexi Arant between the hours of 4:00–5:00 p.m. on January 2nd. Axyl paid for overnight parking for his Silverado.
She remembers seeing Axyl on January 4th in the afternoon because he came to reception about adding beer charges to his room tab. Axyl had mentioned that he was playing the New Daisy the next night, and Mia told him that she had tickets to that same show. Axyl gave her a name—Ozzie Dacosta—to get a backstage pass.
Mia attended the Saturday show and was able to get a backstage pass for herself and her friend Justine. She said that Axyl hung out with her after the show for several hours at the meet-and-greet. When asked about Axyl's girlfriend Lexi, Mia was confused, saying that Axyl never mentioned having any girlfriends.
Beckett "Beck" Steele
Age 25, Desolate Hours roadie
Beck Steele is one of two members of Desolate Hours' backline crew, responsible for the band's personal instruments and effects besides the drum kit. He drove up to Memphis the first week of January with the other roadie named Andreas Lasko, drummer Troy Safford, and miscellaneous gear stuffed into his 2015 Chrysler Town and Country. After dropping off gear at the New Daisy Theatre, he stayed at the Crowne Plaza with Andy Lasko and the band members.
On the morning of January 3rd, Beck drove the band in his van to the New Daisy. He spent the afternoon with the headliners' backline crew and the Daisy's house staff preparing for the night's concert. He did the same routine on January 5th. Beck reported that it was a hassle to set up stage right because of trouble getting power and outputs to the band's equipment and monitors. In order to get time for a soundcheck, Axyl jumped in to help with the setup on both days.
Beck said that Axyl was also present at all times during the soundchecks and during the performances both nights. At no time did anyone ask for the keys of his Town and Country during the week in question.