Crime scene inventory


Investigating Officer(s): Det. T. Armstrong, Det. S. Murphy
Incident No.: 004651-29J-2020
Case Description: Frederick Miller death investigation

CSU provided a preliminary inventory of items taken into evidence from the Frederick Miller homicide scene. Examination of the scene is ongoing.

Click to enlarge
Pin found in treeline

Click to enlarge
Hat found in dumpster

Crime scene

  • 004651-01: One (1) men's wallet, black leather
    • 004651-01-01: One (1) Mississippi driver's license issued to Frederick V. Miller
    • 004651-01-02 through 004651-01-04: Three (3) credit cards issued to Frederick V. Miller
    • 004651-01-05: One (1) auto insurance card issued to Frederick Miller
    • 004651-01-06: $82 cash
    • 004651-01-07 through 004651-01-10: Four (4) receipts
  • 004651-02: One (1) Ford SUV, blue, registered to Frederick V. Miller

Treeline south of body location

  • 004651-03: One (1) pin with target and engraving "1-st"
  • 004651-04: One (1) piece of chewing gum, chewed
  • 004651-05: One (1) partial footprint

Dumpster in southwest corner of church property

  • 004651-06: One (1) knit hat, black and white
  • 004651-07: One (1) compound bow
  • 004651-08: One (1) work glove, left hand


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