Hannah Poole interview
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 – 12:14 p.m.
Hannah Poole worked with the victim at Square Pizza.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy interviewed her at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Hannah Poole
Detective Murphy: Thank you for coming in today, Hannah. Would you please state your name and address for the record?
Hannah Poole: I'm Hannah Poole, and I live with my parents at … oh my god, I'm so nervous, I forgot my address.
Detective Murphy: It's okay to be nervous, Hannah. When you think of it, you just let us know, okay?
Hannah Poole: Okay. I'm sorry I'm being so weird.
Detective Murphy: You're not being weird at all. And you're not in any trouble, so you don't need to worry about that. We just wanted to talk to you about something you said to the investigators who spoke to you before.
Hannah Poole: What did I say?
Detective Murphy: You mentioned that a girl had been asking about Jasmine.
Hannah Poole: Yeah.
Detective Murphy: What was she asking?
Hannah Poole: I don't know. Stuff about Jasmine—when was she going to be working, what was her last name, did I know her phone number and address, things like that.
Detective Murphy: Did she say why she wanted to know?
Hannah Poole: No. I didn't ask. She was kind of, well, scary.
Detective Murphy: Scary, how?
Hannah Poole: You know, kind of really intense and, well…
Detective Murphy: And?
Hannah Poole: B****y.
Detective Murphy: Ah. Did you tell her what she wanted to know?
Hannah Poole: I just told her when Jasmine would be working. I figured she could come back and ask her all that other stuff herself.
Detective Murphy: Did this girl tell you her name?
Hannah Poole: No.
Detective Murphy: Can you describe her? How old she is, what color hair she has, things like that?
Hannah Poole: She has blonde hair. A little bit taller than me. Older than me. I think she goes to Ole Miss.
Detective Murphy: What makes you think that?
Hannah Poole: I don't know. She just seemed like it.
Detective Murphy: Would you recognize her if you saw her again?
Hannah Poole: Yeah.
Detective Armstrong: You said she kept asking about Jasmine. Did you see her at Square Pizza more than once?
Hannah Poole: Oh, yeah.
Detective Armstrong: And she asked you about Jasmine every time?
Hannah Poole: Not me. I think she was trying different people to see what they'd tell her.
Detective Armstrong: Did you ever see her talking to Jasmine?
Hannah Poole: No. Huh, that's weird, isn't it?
Detective Armstrong: Did she ever come in just as a customer, not to ask about Jasmine?
Hannah Poole: Not that I saw, but she could have late at night. That's when a lot of the college students come in, but I don't work then.
Detective Armstrong: When was the last time you saw her?
Hannah Poole: I think a couple days before Jasmine… you know.
Detective Murphy: Hannah, do you know Stephanie Albright?
Hannah Poole: Yeah, she works at Square Pizza, too.
Detective Murphy: How did she and Jasmine get along?
Hannah Poole: Not good. Stephanie was pissed— sorry, she was mad that Jasmine got the assistant manager job because she wanted it.
Detective Murphy: Did she ever do anything about it?
Hannah Poole: I don't know. She likes to point out every little thing that someone does wrong and say it's Jasmine's fault. Is that what you mean?
Detective Murphy: Has Stephanie ever been physically aggressive?
Hannah Poole: Physically aggressive? Oh, like hitting people or something? No. She complains all the time and threatens a lot, but she never actually does anything.
Detective Armstrong: Has there been any talk around Square Pizza about what happened to Jasmine? Anybody have any theories about who killed her?
Hannah Poole: Not really. People don't really talk about it. It's too creepy.
Detective Murphy: You said before that—
Hannah Poole: Oh, hey. 610 S. 14th. That's my address.
Detective Murphy: Okay, good. Thanks. You said before that this girl who asked you the questions about Jasmine also talked to some other people at Square Pizza, right?
Hannah Poole: Yeah.
Detective Murphy: Do you remember who else she talked to?
Hannah Poole: I don't know. I was mostly trying to avoid her. Sox might know.
Detective Murphy: Sox?
Hannah Poole: Sox Jackson. He's one of the owners. I don't know how, but he always knows everything that happens at the restaurant. Do you think he's spying on us?
Detective Murphy: Do you think he's spying on you?
Hannah Poole: No, I guess not. I just don't know how he always knows everything. How does he do that?
Detective Murphy: I don't know. So you think Sox will know who else this girl talked to?
Hannah Poole: Probably.
Detective Murphy: Is there anything else about this girl that you haven't already told us?
Hannah Poole: I don't think so.
Detective Murphy: Okay, Hannah. Thanks for coming in. If you do think of anything else, please give us a call.
Hannah Poole: Okay.
Interview ended – 12:39 p.m.