Alibi check – Adam Cooper
Investigating Officer(s): Det. S. Murphy, Det. E. Parker
Incident No.: 006057-12L-2022
Case Description: Jackson Walker death investigation
After the detectives spoke with Jackson Walker's co-worker Adam Cooper, investigators attempted to corroborate his whereabouts during the weekend Jackson died.
The witness statements provided below are in summary and not verbatim and are representative of all interviews conducted.
Saturday, December 10
Oriana Ainsworth (19)
store clerk
Oriana Ainsworth, a clerk at Shades Sunglasses (2317 Jackson Ave W, Ste. 103), said she didn't know Adam Cooper by name, but once investigators showed her a photo of Cooper, she recognized him. She said she worked at the register on Saturday, December 10, from noon to 8:00 p.m.
Ainsworth said Cooper came into the store between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. She remembered that he had purchased two of the same pair of sunglasses and a jacket. He told her he bought the glasses as a Christmas gift but liked them so much that he got a pair for himself.
Ainsworth had her manager look up the sales transaction. When found, the transaction listed the following items purchased: two Oakley Castel olive ink sunglasses and a Huk men's pursuit jacket. The purchase was paid by credit card and made at 2:46 p.m.
Pierson Necaise (age 29)
store manager
None of the workers at Hibbett Sports (2317 Jackson Ave W, Ste. 102) recognized Adam Cooper by name or photo.
Store manager Pierson Necaise allowed investigators to review the security camera footage for the store on Saturday, December 10. Adam Cooper was identified at 1:34 p.m. at the check-out counter.
Upon viewing the footage, Necaise confirmed to investigators that Cooper purchased two pairs of Jordan sneakers, one blue and one gold. It was clear from the footage that Cooper paid for the shoes by card rather than cash.
Maria Perez (32)
Maria Perez, a waitress at El Charro Cocina & Cantina (669 Sisk Ave), remembered serving Adam Cooper on the evening of Saturday, December 10. She recognized Cooper's face from the photo investigators showed her.
Perez could not remember what Cooper ordered to eat but said Cooper ate alone in the bar area. Perez did recall that Cooper had two extra large margaritas. He asked for a third, but Perez told him the restaurant had a two-drink limit for that particular cocktail, given its size. Cooper gruffly told her it was fine and asked for the bill.
Cooper paid by credit card and didn't leave much of a tip, according to Perez.
Perez didn't think Cooper was drunk when he left the establishment since he didn't seem tipsy to her.
William Reid (57)
convenience store owner
Bill Reid is the part-owner of the convenience store adjoining the Shell gas station (701 Sisk Ave) across from El Charro Cocina & Cantina.
Investigators asked to review Reid's security camera footage for the evening of Saturday, December 10, to determine the time Adam Cooper arrived at El Charro Cocina & Cantina.
The security video shows Cooper's Lexus drove up to El Charro at 5:32 p.m. At 6:15 p.m., Cooper left the restaurant and purchased gas for his Lexus at the Shell station. He left the gas station at 6:28 p.m., narrowly avoiding several parked cars and the median's curb at the gas station's exit to Sisk Avenue.
Sunday, December 11
Patrick David Monahan (45)
Father Patrick David Monahan is a priest at the St. John's Catholic Church (403 University Avenue) in Oxford. When asked if he knew Adam Cooper, Father Monahan acknowledged that he did.
Father Monahan remembered that Adam Cooper was at Mass on Sunday, December 11, from 11:00 a.m. to noon. He did not speak to Cooper beyond the administration of the Eucharist.
When asked what Cooper's demeanor was on that Sunday, Father Monahan replied that Cooper was solemn but not acting differently than he usually did. Father Monahan said Cooper was sitting in the same pew as the Tomassetti family, which was typical for Cooper.
Salvatore Tomassetti (31)
trainer in the Ole Miss athletic department
Sal Tomassetti works at the University of Mississippi like Adam Cooper but said he actually met and got to know Adam Cooper at church. The two men shared an interest in music and football.
Tomassetti is originally from Ferriday, Louisiana, home of the Delta Music Museum, a place Cooper had researched for a paper on American blues.
Tomassetti said, as a Louisiana native, he is partial toward the New Orleans Saints and discovered that Cooper was also a fan. Tomassetti said between the end of the college football season and the bowl games, he often went to Cooper's home to watch the Saints after church on Sundays. When asked if he visited Cooper on Sunday, December 11, Tomassetti said he didn't because the Saints were on a bye that week.