Older man with gray hair and a dark mustache, wearing a fedora

Huey James interview

In 1998, Detective Nelson tracked down one of Doris Hammack's former foster parents.

Smiling white-haired man wearing a panama hat

Elbert Warren interview (1998)

In 1998, Detective Nelson talked to Elbert Warren, Det. McPhail's prime suspect in 1958.

Older woman with shoulder-length dark hair

Nina L. Bardwell interview

In 1998, Detective Nelson talked to Doris Hammack's former Social Services caseworker.

Excerpt of a handwritten note

Anonymous note

In 1998, someone left an anonymous note for Doris Hammack at her hotel in Oxford.

Older man with white hair and mustache

Frank Abbott interview (1998)

In 1998, Detective Nelson talked to another man who was laid off from Bowlan Glove.

Older woman with short gray hair

Beatrice Carmichael interview (1998)

In 1998, Doris Hammack visited the woman that the anonymous tipster suggested she talk to.

Smiling, dark-haired woman in a bathtub

Beatrice Carmichael bio

Beatrice Carmichael dated Howard Hadley and took care of his daughter, Doris.

Front entrance to Yoknapatawpha Farm Supply

Lowell McCaffrey interview

Detective Nelson spoke with the Yoknapatawpha Farm Supply manager about one of their former employees.

Old photo of a man with dark, slicked-back hair

Howard Hadley bio

Howard Hadley became known for his drinking, womanizing, and brawling.

File folder labeled 'Surveillance'

Peterson Investigations report (1959)

In 1998, Howard Hammack's former employer sent some potentially relevant private investigation reports to Detective Nelson.

Letter on Phillips Aviation letterhead

Phillips Aviation employee info

In 1998, Detective Nelson requested Howard Hammack's personnel record from Hammack's employer in 1958 and after.

Older woman with short gray hair

Carmichael Obituary

Beatrice Carmichael passed away a few days after she spoke with Doris Hammack.

Hypnotic spiral with a woman's face in the background

Doris Hammack hypnotherapy

Doris underwent controversial memory recovery hypnotherapy in an attempt to recall events from her childhood.

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