Megan Plummer interview
Sunday, July 24, 2022 – 1:03 p.m.
Megan Plummer is one of Alyx's friends.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy interviewed her at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Megan Plummer
Detective Murphy: We're both sorry for the loss of your friend.
Megan Plummer: Thank you.
Detective Murphy: Before we get started, we need your name and address for our records.
Megan Plummer: My name is Megan Plummer, and I live at 470 Jefferson Avenue, Oxford, Mississippi. Everybody just calls me Megan.
Detective Murphy: You seem nervous.
Megan Plummer: I've never been in a police station before. It's scary.
Detective Murphy: There's no need to be scared or nervous. We just need to ask you a few questions about your friend Alyx. Before we start, can we get you a glass of water or a soda?
Megan Plummer: No, thank you. I just had lunch.
Detective Armstrong: Megan, how well did you know Alyx Byrns?
Megan Plummer: I met Alyx in the tenth grade when I went over to Katie's house for a sleepover.
Detective Armstrong: Who's Katie?
Megan Plummer: Katie Henderson. She's a friend of mine and Alyx's.
Detective Armstrong: You were all friends equally?
Megan Plummer: Well, they had been friends forever, so maybe they were a little closer, especially at first. But we all became very good friends.
Detective Armstrong: Was money ever an issue?
Megan Plummer: No, money never really seemed to matter. I care a lot about both Katie and Alyx. Besides, I have a nice house and everything I need.
Detective Armstrong: What can you tell us about Katie's relationship with Alyx's dad, Paul Byrns?
Megan Plummer: Sometimes Katie got flirty with Mr. Byrns, but it was all innocent.
Detective Armstrong: They were never a little too flirty?
Megan Plummer: No. Gross! They were just joking around.
Detective Murphy: Can you tell us anything about Alyx's boyfriend?
Megan Plummer: Not really. I've met him, but I don't know him that well. He's a good-looking guy, but Stephen acts like a delinquent, which Alyx always seemed to like.
Detective Murphy: How does a delinquent act?
Megan Plummer: You know, like he's so tough. Like he has no respect for authority.
Detective Armstrong: Do you know anything about the Byrns family's gardener?
Megan Plummer: I saw him at Alyx's house before, but I never talked to him. I know he was interested in her.
Detective Armstrong: You know his name?
Megan Plummer: Yeah. Josh… something? Carstairs maybe?
Detective Armstrong: Have you ever seen him anywhere else other than at Alyx's?
Megan Plummer: I don't know. Maybe, I guess?
Detective Armstrong: Do you know how he got Alyx's phone number?
Megan Plummer: Well… yes. Katie gave it to him. She just meant it as a joke because Josh had asked Katie to help him get a date with Alyx.
Detective Murphy: Megan, when was the last time you saw Alyx?
Megan Plummer: Thursday morning. Then Katie called Alyx that afternoon and asked her if we could have a pool party that night, but the pump was locked up, and the pool guy couldn't fix it until Friday. Alyx had a date with Stephen on Thursday night anyway, so Katie and Alyx decided to hang out with each other on Friday night.
Detective Murphy: They were going to hang out without you?
Megan Plummer: I don't know. Maybe.
Detective Armstrong: Doesn't Katie have a pool at her house?
Megan Plummer: Yes, she has a pool, but Katie said her little brother was using it on Friday.
Detective Murphy: Where were you on Friday?
Megan Plummer: I went over to Katie's house around 1:15 p.m., and we went down to the basement. They have a big game room with pool tables and a home theatre. It's very nice.
Detective Armstrong: What did you do?
Megan Plummer: We hung out for a while, and then Alyx called. Katie said Alyx was upset with Stephen. That he was a wimp and she was going to break up with him.
Detective Armstrong: What time did Alyx call?
Megan Plummer: I'm not sure of the exact time. I'd say close to 1:30 p.m. I hadn't been there too long when the phone rang.
Detective Armstrong: What did you and Katie do for the rest of the afternoon?
Megan Plummer: We just hung out in Katie's basement playing pool. We never left her house that day.
Detective Murphy: How did you find out that Alyx was dead?
Megan Plummer: Mr. Henderson, Katie's dad, came down to the basement and told us. I'll never forget it. It was a terrible shock. It's all so surreal to me. I'm sorry, detectives. I need to go home now.
Detective Murphy: All right, you can go, Megan, but we might need you to come back later if we have more questions. How do you feel about that?
Megan Plummer: I guess that'd be okay?
Detective Murphy: Once again, we're sorry for the loss of your friend.
Interview ended – 1:42 p.m.