Megan Plummer interview #2
Monday, July 25, 2022 – 3:10 p.m.
Megan Plummer is one of Alyx's friends.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy re-interviewed her at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Megan Plummer
Detective Armstrong: Good afternoon, Megan. Please give us your full name and address for the record.
Megan Plummer: Thank you. My name is Megan Plummer, and I live at 470 Jefferson Avenue in Oxford. Why did you need me to come here again? I already told you everything I know.
Detective Murphy: We have a few questions we need to ask you. We'll try not to keep you too long. How are you doing with the death of your friend?
Megan Plummer: It hasn't been easy. I miss Alyx a lot, and I feel so bad for her parents.
Detective Murphy: Can you tell us about Alyx's relationship with her stepmother?
Megan Plummer: They had a good relationship. I'm sure they loved each other, but Alyx wanted more time with her. Both of Alyx's parents were always too busy to spend time with her.
Detective Murphy: What about Mrs. Byrns and Katie? How do they get along?
Megan Plummer: Well, okay, I guess. I don't think she likes Katie very much, but don't tell Katie I said that.
Detective Armstrong: Megan, why do you think Mrs. Byrns dislikes Katie?
Megan Plummer: I think it was because Katie flirted with Mr. Byrns, and Mrs. Byrns was wicked jealous.
Detective Armstrong: Did you know that Katie and Paul Byrns were having a sexual relationship?
Megan Plummer: Did Mrs. Byrns tell you that?
Detective Armstrong: No, Katie told us.
Megan Plummer: She did?
Detective Armstrong: Yes, she did. Katie also said you knew about the affair. We need you to tell us what you know about it.
Megan Plummer: Okay. Katie did mess around with Mr. Byrns. She loved to flirt with him in front of his wife just to make Mrs. Byrns angry. But Katie's not in love with him or anything. She did it for kicks.
Detective Armstrong: Did Alyx know about the affair?
Megan Plummer: Yeah, she knew. She didn't like it, but since Katie was her best friend, Alyx blamed her dad.
Detective Armstrong: Did Alyx ever confront her father about the affair?
Megan Plummer: I saw them yelling at each other out by the poolhouse a couple of times. They tried to hide it from me, but I knew it was about the affair.
Detective Murphy: Who else knew about it?
Megan Plummer: No one that I know of, but Rachel was kind of suspecting something, I think.
Detective Armstrong: Rachel who?
Megan Plummer: Rachel. You know, the Byrnses' chef.
Detective Murphy: What made you think she suspected something?
Megan Plummer: She always made special snacks for me when I went to Alyx's. Sometimes when Katie and Alyx weren't in the room, she would ask questions like, "So, where's Katie? Should we go check on her? Make sure she's not being too much of a tart?"
Detective Murphy: Why did you get special treatment from her?
Megan Plummer: I think because I was always nice to her. She didn't like Alyx. Alyx always put her down. Said awful things to her. But Rachel always acted polite and professional.
Detective Armstrong: How did Rachel and Paul Byrns get along?
Megan Plummer: I don't think Rachel cares too much for Mr. Byrns. She said it was his fault Alyx treated her bad because he kept letting Alyx get away with such disrespectful behavior.
Detective Armstrong: Who else was Alyx disrespectful to?
Megan Plummer: Stephen. Alyx was really getting tired of him. Once when I was at Alyx's, I overheard them having a bad argument.
Detective Murphy: Could you hear what they were arguing about?
Megan Plummer: Not specific details, but usually they argued because Alyx was pushing him to do something he didn't want to do. So she kept getting louder, saying, "Come on, Stephen!" over and over again, and he said, "No, Alyx, you know I can't." Then she yelled, "You're a wimp!" And Stephen just stormed off.
Detective Armstrong: How long ago was that?
Megan Plummer: A week ago, maybe?
Detective Armstrong: Megan, do you think Stephen would harm Alyx?
Megan Plummer: I don't think so. He cared about her more than she cared about him. I guess it doesn't matter anymore. I can't believe none of us will ever see her again. This is very upsetting. Is it okay to leave now?
Detective Armstrong: Thank you for coming in, Megan. You can go.
Interview ended – 3:40 p.m.