David Gregory interview #2
Tuesday, July 26, 2022 – 3:30 p.m.
David Gregory is the Byrns family's pool maintenance man. He discovered Alyx's body floating in the pool.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy re-interviewed him at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- David Gregory
Detective Murphy: For the record, please state your name and address.
David Gregory: I am David Gregory, and I live at 865 Buchanan Avenue. That's in Oxford. Which is in Mississippi.
Detective Murphy: Thanks for the geography lesson. Do you know why we asked you to come in today? And it was not for the lesson.
David Gregory: I assume it has to do with Alyx. I've noticed that you haven't solved her murder.
Detective Murphy: That's right. We have not. Is there anything you'd like to tell us that might bring us closer to doing so?
David Gregory: I don't know of anything I haven't told you already.
Detective Armstrong: Come on, David, of course you do. You spend your days going from property to property, seeing things your customers hide from the outside world. There is no way you could ever tell us everything you know.
David Gregory: I mean, that relates to Alyx's death. It's not like I saw someone kill her.
Detective Murphy: Does that mean you never saw an interaction that suggests a motive? A stolen glance, a look of jealousy or hatred?
David Gregory: When I'm at a customer's home, I'm focused on solving pool problems.
Detective Murphy: What problems did Barbara Byrns experience with her pool that you were able to solve by sleeping with her?
David Gregory: Excuse me?
Detective Armstrong: We have it on very good authority that you were having an affair with Mrs. Byrns.
David Gregory: Look, maybe I flirted with her a time or two. Women that age, they appreciate a little attention.
Detective Armstrong: David, the more you lie to us, the worse you make things for yourself.
David Gregory: I am not lying.
Detective Murphy: You want to rethink that statement?
David Gregory: Fine. I had sex with Barbara Byrns. Are you two happy now?
Detective Armstrong: Delirious. How long had this been going on?
David Gregory: I'm not sure, exactly. Fairly recently, though, since I've been working there for less than two months. But Mrs. Byrns wanted more out of life than life was giving her. Most of the women I see are that way. The men, too, probably, but that's not how I lean.
Detective Murphy: Did Barbara want more out of your relationship than you were willing to give?
David Gregory: No, it wasn't love or anything like that. It was just something that broke up the monotony of her life.
Detective Murphy: And she was what broke up the monotony of skimming pools. Is that right?
David Gregory: Not all job perks get reported on your taxes.
Detective Armstrong: Did Mr. Byrns know about your relationship with his wife?
David Gregory: I'm not sure. He never said anything to me about it.
Detective Armstrong: How about Alyx?
David Gregory: She never said anything either.
Detective Murphy: She swam naked when she knew you would see her. That sounds to me like she wasn't blind to your charms.
David Gregory: I can't speak for Alyx.
Detective Murphy: But you did say last time that she was showing an interest.
David Gregory: Probably, yeah. Most females do. I fulfill some kind of pool-guy fantasy.
Detective Armstrong: Mrs. Byrns must not have been too happy knowing that her daughter was competing for you.
David Gregory: The topic never came up. Not many topics did.
Detective Murphy: I imagine you might have done anything to keep Mrs. Byrns happy.
David Gregory: Stop it right there. I did not kill Alyx.
Detective Murphy: I wasn't saying that you did.
David Gregory: You were implying it.
Detective Armstrong: We would understand if Mrs. Byrns spoke to you about her stepdaughter. Maybe Mrs. Byrns suggested life would be better once Alyx was gone.
David Gregory: Do not try to pin Alyx on me. Or me and Mrs. Byrns. I did not have anything to do with Alyx's death. I am done with this.
Detective Murphy: In that case, you can go. We'll let you know if we need to talk to you again.
Interview ended – 4:13 p.m.