Paul Byrns interview #2
Tuesday, July 26, 2022 – 2:17 p.m.
Paul Byrns is Alyx's father.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy re-interviewed him at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- Paul Byrns
Detective Murphy: Good afternoon, Mr. Byrns. We're going to need your name and address for the record.
Paul Byrns: My name is Paul Byrns, and I live at 604 College Hill Road, Oxford, Mississippi. Have you caught the person that killed my daughter?
Detective Murphy: Well, Mr. Byrns, we're still investigating that.
Paul Byrns: I just assumed that's why you wanted to see me. I hoped you had found my Alyx's killer.
Detective Murphy: We need to ask you additional questions concerning your daughter's murder.
Paul Byrns: I'm not sure if I know anything else, but I'll do anything I can to help find the person who took my Alyx from me.
Detective Armstrong: Do you think your chef, Rachel Moody, could have harmed Alyx?
Paul Byrns: No, I don't think she would. If I thought for a second she had hurt Alyx, I would terminate her employment. I know Rachel disliked Alyx, but she had her reasons. Alyx didn't make things easy for her. She was pretty mean to Rachel most of the time.
Detective Armstrong: So you knew Alyx gave Rachel a hard time? Why not stop the harassment?
Paul Byrns: I thought it was harmless. Rachel never complained, so I figured they had worked it out between themselves. Besides, Alyx was almost 18 and would be heading off to college soon. There wasn't much telling her anything if you know what I mean.
Detective Armstrong: Before Alyx was killed, you were seen arguing with her out by the pool.
Paul Byrns: Hey, I'm a dad. Alyx and I occasionally argued. That just makes me like all the rest of the dads in the world. She was a stubborn teenager and always wanted her way.
Detective Murphy: Can you tell us the nature of that particular argument?
Paul Byrns: That day, she threatened to act out unless I gave her a bigger allowance. I will admit that both Barbara and I completely spoiled Alyx, but that day, I told her she was not getting any additional money. She didn't take it too well, as you might imagine.
Detective Armstrong: Did you also argue about Alyx's threat to tell your wife about your affair with Alyx's best friend, Katie Henderson?
Paul Byrns: Absolutely not! That just is not true!
Detective Armstrong: Come on, Mr. Byrns. We have information from a reliable source, and that's exactly what happened. You are having sex with Katie Henderson. Why not help yourself out here and quit lying to us? We need the truth.
Paul Byrns: Fine. I was sleeping with Katie. She was persistent. It made it difficult for me to resist her. Besides, she's old enough to know what she wants.
Detective Armstrong: Does your wife know this?
Paul Byrns: I think she suspects, but what difference does it make? She's having an affair herself, so I guess that makes us even.
Detective Armstrong: Your wife is having an affair?
Paul Byrns: Yes, with the pool boy. Rachel saw them kissing out by the pool house. She thought I should know about it. Personally, I think she's jealous and wants him for herself.
Detective Murphy: Who is jealous of whom?
Paul Byrns: Rachel is jealous that my wife is having sex with David Gregory.
Detective Armstrong: Did Alyx know about this affair?
Paul Byrns: She may have. If she did, she never said anything about it to me.
Detective Armstrong: Mr. Byrns, do you think Barbara felt threatened by Alyx? Afraid that Alyx would tell you about her affair with David?
Paul Byrns: Barbara threatened by Alyx? Not that I can see. Barbara loved Alyx very much. I am sure that, while the affair would upset Alyx, she would forgive Barbara.
Detective Armstrong: All right, Mr. Byrns. Thank you for coming in. I promise you we'll do our best to find Alyx's killer.
Paul Byrns: I loved my daughter more than anyone, and I want whoever killed her to be caught so they can pay. Please find the S.O.B. who did this to my child.
Interview ended – 2:56 p.m.