Andrew Fine bio
Andrew Richard Fine was born in Oxford, Mississippi on October 17, 1973. His father, Robert, worked as an automobile mechanic and his mother, Grace, was a homemaker. The Fines were a hard-working family, firmly situated in the working class.
As a child, Andy often watched his father work on cars. By elementary school, Andy could identify all the different vehicles his father repaired and describe their engines.
At school, Andy was known for his quick temper and tendency to torment the other children. At home, he even bullied Carl, his older half-brother. Carl tried to be good-natured about it and didn't always fight back, but their relationship suffered.
Very few of the teachers at the school liked Andy, but for the most part, he stayed out of trouble. He got into a handful of fights over the years but was never suspended or expelled.
Andy graduated from high school with a mediocre grade point average, classmates that barely tolerated him, and a skill for working with his hands and fixing cars. With limited options, Andy enlisted in the Navy.
On the night before Andy left for boot camp, his father gave him a wristwatch and told him how proud he was. Robert Fine wasn't blind to his son's faults, but he loved him and was proud of his skill with car repair. Robert started making plans to bring Andy into his business when he got out of the Navy.
After boot camp, Andy was stationed at the naval base in Groton, Connecticut, where he repaired supply truck engines in the motor pool. His Naval service played out the same way as his schooling. He excelled at his work but struggled to get along with his superior officers and fellow sailors.
Andy's anger worsened in the Navy, and his fighting became increasingly violent. He spent time in the brig, and when he wasn't officially locked up, he was often assigned extra duty as a disciplinary measure. When Andy came up for re-enlistment, his commanding officer made it clear it was not encouraged.
Andy's escalation in violence seemed to coincide with the death of his father. Andy had always looked up to the hard-working man, and Robert's heart attack and sudden death in 1992 devastated Andy. He started drinking and fighting even more.
When Andy was discharged, he returned to Oxford and worked in various auto shops around town, but his attitude and temper kept him bouncing from job to job.
After he got home, Andy found out Carl was dating Cindy Campbell. She had always caught Andy's eye in high school, and Andy started talking to her when the three of them would go out together.
Soon enough, Cindy broke up with Carl and got together with Andy, which caused some friction between the Fine brothers. But as usual, Carl swallowed his pride and tried to maintain a relationship with Andy.
Shortly after they started dating, Andy and Cindy wed and embarked on what some people familiar with the couple describe as a tempestuous marriage.
Newlywed Andy also went to work at Laughlin Automotive & Body Shop. The job and the workplace suited Andy's temperament. According to former employees, fights are an accepted way of life at Laughlin Auto Body. The grease monkeys reportedly take frequent breaks during the day to watch co-workers slug it out in the gravel lot behind the shop while owner Chas Laughlin looks on.
YCSD confidential informants claim that Chas uses his most trusted employees to pick up "special" after-market auto parts from suppliers in North Mississippi and Memphis, Tennessee.
Andy, always alert for an opportunity to make an easy and tax-free buck, noticed some of his co-workers seemed to have extra cash about once a week and kept his eyes open for an opportunity to get a piece of the action for himself.
On Monday, July 7, 2014, Andy Fine was reported missing after he failed to return home or show up for work.