John Reagle interview #2
Tuesday, July 29, 2014 – 4:20 p.m.
John Reagle was arrested on July 13, 2014, at Duffy's Bar & Grill after claiming to be in possession of a human hand. The remainder of the body was subsequently found on his farm.
Detectives Armstrong and Murphy re-interviewed him at the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department.
- Detective T. Armstrong
- Detective S. Murphy
- John Reagle
Detective Armstrong: Come on in, Johnny. You staying out of trouble?
John Reagle: You know that's right. I ain't even drinking anymore.
Detective Murphy: Really?
John Reagle: Well, just beer, but that's not really drinking.
Detective Murphy: I'm not sure everyone would agree with you on that, but let's move on. Would you state your name and address, please?
John Reagle: My name is John Reagle, and I live at 522 CR 418, Oxford.
Detective Murphy: We wanted to talk to you about those work gloves we got from your barn.
John Reagle: Yeah, am I going to be getting those back anytime soon? I got me some new ones, but I don't like them as well.
Detective Armstrong: We'll see what we can do about that. So listen, do you ever wear those gloves when you go out hunting?
John Reagle: Hunting? No, those are work gloves.
Detective Armstrong: So if I told you we found gunshot residue on them, how would you explain that?
John Reagle: That doesn't sound right.
Detective Armstrong: No, it doesn't.
John Reagle: You sure it's not some kind of mistake?
Detective Armstrong: That's your explanation?
John Reagle: I don't know how else to explain it.
Detective Murphy: It's not because you were wearing those gloves when you shot Andy Fine?
John Reagle: What? I didn't do that!
Detective Murphy: How can you be sure, drinking as much as you were?
John Reagle: There's not enough liquor in the world to make me kill somebody. I didn't do it.
Detective Murphy: You had a pretty good motive.
John Reagle: No, I didn't.
Detective Murphy: Andy was the one standing in the way of you buying that farmhouse from the Fines, wasn't he?
John Reagle: Once upon a time maybe, but what would I want with that old place now that he wrecked it?
Detective Murphy: So if his brother and sister were looking to sell it now, you wouldn't be interested?
John Reagle: I don't know. Are they thinking about selling? Because I'd be willing to hear them out at least.
Detective Murphy: I thought you weren't interested.
John Reagle: Might be able to get it for a good price now.
Detective Armstrong: But before Andy was killed, they were asking a lot more?
John Reagle: More than likely, but I can't say because I don't know how much they want now since— hey! You're trying to twist this all around. I didn't kill Andy, not for that crappy old house, not for any reason.
Detective Murphy: Why should we believe you?
John Reagle: Because there must be a lot of people out there with better reasons to kill him than that. A guy like Andy makes enemies.
Detective Armstrong: And you have an alibi.
John Reagle: You bet I do.
Detective Armstrong: What is it?
John Reagle: When are we talking about again?
Detective Armstrong: The night of July 3rd and morning of July 4th.
John Reagle: Okay. I went to a party out at Sardis Lake. Spent the night. Didn't come home until after fireworks on the 4th.
Detective Armstrong: Who was having this party?
John Reagle: It was a, uh, lady friend.
Detective Armstrong: Congratulations. What's her name?
John Reagle: Well… I can't recall off the top of my head.
Detective Murphy: Johnny, it was a month ago. You can't remember her name?
John Reagle: Well, there have been a lot of lady friends since Lisa left. I had to make up for lost time, you know.
Detective Murphy: Uh-huh. Do you think you can come up with this particular lady friend's name?
John Reagle: Sure can. I got it at home.
Detective Murphy: All right. Here's what we're going to do. You go home, get that name, and you call me with it by 6:00 p.m. today. If you don't call me by then, we're going to take that to mean you were lying about your alibi. You understand?
John Reagle: Yes, I understand.
Detective Armstrong: You better get going. You only got an hour.
John Reagle: I'm going. I'm going.
Interview ended – 4:56 p.m.