Christine Fisher alibi canvass
Following the interview with Christine Fisher, the Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department conducted a witness canvass in Pontotoc to try to corroborate her alibi.
They spoke to people in the area of Christine Fisher's residence at 25 E. Marion Street, Pontotoc, Mississippi. They also talked to employees at the Piggly Wiggly store, which is about a mile from where Fisher lives.
The interviews summarized are some of the most typical or relevant to the investigation and are representative of all interviews conducted.
Jeremiah Jones
E. Marion Street, Pontotoc, MS
Jones, 70, lives in the same apartment building as Fisher on 25 E. Marion Street.
Jones approached the detectives as they were canvassing the area and asked what they were doing. He said he often walks his dog around the block every evening.
He recalled seeing a nice-looking, gray-haired lady going to her car in front of the apartment building on July 9 around 7:45 p.m. He remembered he was late walking the dog that evening because his son had come to visit during the day.
Jones said he always looks twice at nice-looking ladies, especially those with gray hair. He said he smiled and nodded at her, but she ignored him for some reason.
Gerry Randolph
E. Marion Street, Pontotoc, MS
Randolph, 42, said he was taking his teenage daughter to a slumber party across town a bit before 8:00 p.m. when he saw Ms. Fisher going to her car parked on the street.
When Randolph returned less than an hour later, she was returning and parking her car on the street in front of her apartment building.
Suzanne Toms
E. Marion Street, Pontotoc, MS
Toms, 65, said she is Fisher's landlady and next-door neighbor.
She remembered seeing Fisher on the evening of July 9 around 7:30–8:00 p.m. They chatted briefly.
Ms. Toms said Fisher told her she was on the way to the store to take advantage of an advertised bargain on her cat's favorite food.
Sarah Turnbull
234 Clark Street, Pontotoc, MS
Turnbull, 32, is a clerk at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store located at 237 W. Oxford Street and knows Fisher as a regular shopper. They have a love of cats in common and often talk about their pets.
Turnbull said Fisher was in the store the evening of July 9 to take advantage of a special on Purina Cat Food. Turnbull remembered that Fisher was in the store not long before Turnbull completed her shift at 8:30 p.m.