Incident report

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Yoknapatawpha County Sheriff's Department
711 Jackson Avenue E
Oxford, MS 38655

     ___ Juvenile
     ___ Senior Citizen
     ___ Gang

     ___ Child Abuse
     ___ Domestic
     ___ Involved Alcohol
Date Reported:
 Time Reported:
   12:15 PM
  ___ Committed
  ___ Attempted
  ___ Committed
  ___ Attempted
  ___ Committed
  ___ Attempted
 Location of Offense(Exact address, include Room/ Apt. No.)
  United Way of Yoknapatawpha County
  440 North Lamar Blvd., #5
  Oxford, Mississippi
 Date of Offense:
 Time of Offense:
 Location of Arrest (Exact address, include Room/Apt. No.)
 Date of Arrest:
 Time of Arrest:
 Reporting Officer:
  Officer Steve Harding
 Unit Number:
 Assisting Officer:
 Unit Number:


 Foul Play Suspected
  Gayle Harding
 Alias/Street Name/ Nickname
 Vic/Offender Relationship
 5' 7"
 140 lbs
 Soc. Security #
  None visible
 Injury Extent
 Injury Description
 410 Olive Branch Way, Oxford, Mississippi
 Res Phone 662-234-XXXX
 Bus Phone N/A
 Employer Address


 REPORTING OFFICER'S NARRATIVE (Brief narrative of the facts surrounding the offense and the arrest.)

At 12:15 p.m., Unit #224 (Officer Steve Harding) was flagged down by the complainant, Gayle Harding. The complainant stated she had found a woman's blazer with possible bloodstains on the interior. Unit #224 notified Dispatch of his location and proceeded to investigate the report.

Responding Officer (R/O) was admitted to the United Way office by an adult female, Gayle Harding, the complainant.

Harding made the following verbal statement, which is reported in summary and not verbatim.

Harding said she was sorting through the donated clothing items and noticed dark stains on the inside lining of a woman's brown wool blend blazer, size L. Harding then examined the stains more closely to determine the possibility of removal and realized the stains could be blood. Harding said she knew R/O would be passing by soon thereafter as part of his regular patrol, and she decided to report her finding "just in case."

R/O inquired whether Harding knew who had donated the coat. Harding checked the records and reported it had been part of a larger clothing donation received from St. John's Catholic Church in Oxford.

R/O took the coat and a copy of the donation record into evidence. Upon return to the sheriff's department, R/O submitted the evidence to Forensics Officer B. D. Vincent.


 DEFENDANT'S VERSION/REMARKS (What did the defendant say?)



 REPORTING OFFICER  Steve Harding  DATE REPORTED  12/30/2024
 Unit Number
 Unit Number


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